Pre-GMP equipment
Welcome to our page featuring high-quality instruments designed to meet your research needs.
Photo: Liza Simonsson
Basic equipment in all laboratories
- Biosafety Cabinet - BSL-2 LAF (Kojair BioWizard).
- CO2 incubators (ThermoFisher Scientific i160).
- Centrifuge (Eppendorf 5425R).
- Centrifuge (Eppendorf 5920 R).
- Two fridge/freezers (LIEBLCEXV4010).
- Bead Bath (VWR).
- Microscope (Lecia DMi1 or DM IL LED Fluor).
- Automated cell counter (Nucleocounter NC-200 or NC-202).
- Vacusafe (Integra).
- Pipettes (Eppendorf 0,2-1000 uL).
- Surface Pro (Microsoft).
Additional equipment at the preGMP facility
- CliniMACS Prodigy with CliniMACS Electroporator (Milteny).
- Benchtop Bioreactor (Eppendorf BioFlo 320).
- Zetaview x20 (Particle Metrix).
- KrosFlo KR2i Flow-filtration system (Repligen).
- Automated Plate Washer (Agilent ELx50).
- Automated Plate reader (Tecan I50).
- ÄKTA Pure Chromatography system (Cytiva).
- NanoAssemblr Spark (Cytiva).
- NanoAssemblr Ignite (Cytiva).
- Nanodrop (ThermoFisher Scientific).
- Shake incubator (Forma Scientific).
- Ultra centrifuge Ecolution RC (Sorvall).
- -80 freezers (Forma 88700V).