FENO - our offer

The Morphological Phenotype Analysis Core Facility (FENO) at Campus Flemingsberg, is a well-established core facility in service since 2002. FENO provides professional research support in animal experiments, including histopathology, a wide range of staining, digitilization and pathological analysis with highly specialized comepetence in genetically modified mice phenotyping. Other than mice, FENO also provides services on the pathological analysis for several other animal species.

Our service

  • Project consultation on experimental design, animal models, necropsy and histopathology protocols, breeding schemes, etc.
  • Necropsy and histopathology services for pathological feature characterization in tissues and organs, with a focus on species differences.
  • Tissue processing and sectioning using microtome/cryotome, staining, and pathological analysis. 
  • Immunohistochemistry on frozen/paraffin embedded tissues.
  • Imaging data registration of pathological analysis including light- and fluorescence microscopy.
  • Slide digitalization and image analysis.

Our method and techniques

Method and techniques at FENO
Method Instrument/technique
Study design, planning, autopsy FENO consultation
Tissue collection, registration iLab
Tissue dehydration /paraffinization Automatic/manual
Sectioning: paraffin 4 x Thermo microtome
Sectioning: cryo Leica cryotome
Histochemical routine staining (HE) TISSUE-TEK /manual
Histochemical special staining Tiziano robot/manual
Immunohistochemical staining (chromogenic /fluorescent/multiplex) Leica Bond RXm robot/ manual
RNA in situ hybridization Leica bond RXm -RNA scope
Histologic image documentation 2x microscope camera (Nikon)
3D histech section scanner 20x
ZEISS Axioscan 7 scanner (bright field, polarization and fluorescence function)
Online sharing of images/scanned sections FENO server
Histopathological analysis, support for image analysis Certified pathology

Histological stains

  • H&E
  • Special Stains
  • Special stains and immunostaining multiplexing


  • Automated Immunohistochemistry (IHC) – Single and Dual
  • Automated Immunofluorescence (IF)
  • Automated in situ hybridization (ISH/FISH)
Four examples of staining at FENO.
Four examples of staining: H&E, Sirius Red, PAS and ORO.