CFG - About us

CRISPR Functional Genomics (CFG) provides CRISPR related services, both in the form of pooled screening and precision editing. Our team consists of PhD-level scientists and technical personnel, all with expertise in the various techniques required for CRISPR-related projects. We are a national SciLifeLab National infrastructure located in Biomedicum in Solna.

Any questions regarding our services can be directed to, CFG's scientific director.

Accessibility and project prioritization

CFG is open to the entire Swedish research community – academia, healthcare, and industry. Conditional to available resources, we also accept projects from abroad. Project requests can be submitted to CFG at any time by email. CFG evaluates projects based on technical feasibility and required resources, as well as expected difficulty. We are deeply committed to help redesigning project proposals if needed to guarantee technical feasibility and maximize the chance for success.

Cost model and pricing

CFG is an academic, not-for-profit research unit. Charges are based on Karolinska Institutet’s full cost model for commissioned research. Academic projects are generously co-funded by CFG. Industry and private clients are charged at full cost. Initial discussions and development of a feasible project plan and a quote are free of charge.

Acknowledgement and Authorship

CFG requires acknowledgement of the unit in all scientific communications that present data either created by CFG, or created using tools obtained from CFG. This includes publications, posters, and oral presentations. Co-authorship for CFG staff should be considered based on the Vancouver Recommendations, which define an author of a scientific publication as a person who has:

  • Contributed substantially to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; and
  • Drafted the work or revised it critically for important intellectual content; and made a final approval of the version to be published; and
  • Agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.


Meet our team

Bernhard Schmierer, PhD

Scientific Director and Head

Bernhard started working with CRISPR technology in 2013, shortly after publication of the seminal papers describing CRISPR/Cas9 application in eukaryotic cells. Since then, his work has focused on both CRISPR precision genome engineering and the applications of CRISPR in genetic screening. In 2017, he became Scientific Director and Head of CFG.

Soniya Dhanjal, PhD

Research Infrastructure Specialist - Pooled Screening & Precision Editing

Soniya joined CFG in 2019. Previously, she worked as a Lab Manager and Post Doctoral Fellow in the field of DNA repair and cancer, thus bringing in organizational skills and experience as a molecular biologist.

Miriam Selle

Lab Technician

Miriam joined the CFG facility in 2020. She has previous experience as a lab technician in a biochemical lab where she used CRISPR in a myogenic study of the DMD gene.

Anneke Navis, PhD

Research Infrastructure Specialist - Precision Editing

Anneke joined CFG in 2020. She previously used genome engineering techniques in her postdoctoral research to study transcriptional regulation in cancer. Anneke mainly focuses on precision editing, designing and using different CRISPR modalities such as HDR, base-editing and prime editing to create edited cell lines.

Olga Khorosjutina, PhD

Research Infrastructure Specialist - Pooled Screening

Olga joined CFG in 2021. With a Master’s degree in Chemistry, a PhD from Karolinska Institutet in S. pombe transcriptional regulation, and postdoctoral research in drug discovery, Olga brings a wide range of technologies and expertise to CFG.

Alexander Lindberg, MSc

Research Assistant

Alexander joined the CFG facility as a research assistant in October 2023, after having worked there as an Erasmus master’s student intern. He focuses on the development of a pooled CRISPR genetic screen platform compatible with in situ sequencing methods for in situ guide RNA readout.  


  • Georgia Tsikala (1984 - 2021)
  • Jenna Persson, Senior Scientist at MOMA Therapeutics, Boston, MA, USA
  • Allegra Lord, Senior Scientist, Rare Disease, Novo Nordisk, Watertown, MA, USA
  • Stefina Milanova


Contact and address

Please contact us with your request at

Visiting address

CRISPR Functional Genomics
Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics
Biomedicum 9B, B0951
Solnavägen 9
171 65 Solna 

Delivery address

Miriam Selle
Biomedicum Quarter 9B MBB
Karolinska Institutet
Tomtebodavägen 16
171 65 Solna