SFOepi open calls
Currently you can apply for the SFOepi Small grant and the SFOepi Pilot Grant.
How to apply for a SFOepi Pilot Grant
The Strategic Research Area in Epidemiology and Biostatistics (SFOepi) is offering a one-year award of up to 200 000 SEK to investigators developing a new project. This call closes at noon on May 7, 2025.
Information on the call: https://ki.se/en/research/research-areas-centres-and-networks/strategic-research-areas/the-strategic-research-area-in-epidemiology-and-biostatistics-sfoepi/sfoepi-pilot-grant
How to apply for a small grant
SFOepi has a small grants funding mechanism to support bottom-up initiatives in the field of Epidemiology or Biostatistics. You can apply for small grants of up to 100 000 SEK any time of the year for workshops, events, courses, retreats or other activities. The conditions are that the activity you plan must be open to and of interest to participants from all SFOepi departments at KI.
The conditions are that (1) the activity you plan must be open and of interest to participants from all SFOepi departments at KI. Interaction with other SFOs and disciplines at KI are encouraged. (2) You must be clear in all your communication that this event is supported by SFOepi. (3) You will also need to send in a short report, shortly after your event, to SFOepi letting us know a little of how your event turned out and how you spent the money.
To apply please fill in the application form and send it to janina.mahmoodi@ki.se