Mission of KIRCNET
The mission of the KI Respiration and Circulation Network (KIRCNET) is to improve translational research within the area of circulation and respiration by stimulating collaboration between research groups and strengthening the relation between clinical and preclinical research areas, with special focus on younger researchers.

The Four Corner Stones of KIRCNET
- To create an inter-departmental organization for research and core facilities within the area of circulation and respiration.
- To be responsible for grants promoting the connection of clinical and preclinical research.
- To organise available seminars and be responsible for post graduate courses.
- To arrange retreats for researchers within the area of circulation and respiration.
Join us
If you would like to receive updated information regarding international and local meetings, symposium, news in cardiovascular and respiratory fields. Join us today! You will also get chance to be able to get the travel grants from us. Please contact us at kirc-network@ki.se or jesper.safholm@ki.se.