KIRCNET mini-symposium

A list of previous KIRCNET mini-symposia.

Swedish Heart Lung Foundation – with focus on junior investigator research grants (2023-04-19)

BioMedicum 3rd floor, Room Peter Reichard, Solna

Speaker:  John Pernow, Chair of HLF research council, Professor of Cardiology Solna

Chronic Kidney Disease: Emerging Mechanisms and Novel Research Models (2023-02-08)

BioClinicum, Lecture Room J3:14, Solna


Early vascular ageing in chronic kidney disease: Pathways of injury and potential for therapeutics. Associate Professor Karolina Kublickiene, Dept. of CLINTEC

The role of Vascular endothelial growth factor B signaling in the development of renal lipotoxicty and diabetic kidney disease. Senior Researcher Anneli Falkevall, Dept. of MBB

Mouse model of reno-cardio-metabolic disease using reduced nephron number in combination with western diet and high salt. Lucas Carvalho (DVM, PhD), Dept. of FyFa

Asthma-focus on genetics, obesity and sex (2021-04-26)

Severe asthma in women: linking sex hormones and obesity-related asthma
Speaker: Apostolos Bossios, Associate Professor of Department of Respiratory Medicine and Allergy, Huddinge, Karolinska University Hospital

The complexity of the genetic component of asthma
Speaker: Dr. Natalia Hernandes-Pacheco, Department of Clinical Research and Education, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska Institutet

COVID-19 infection part 2 (2021-05-05)

Sustained prothrombotic changes in COVID-19 patients
Speaker: Ton Lisman, Professor of Experimental Surgery, UMC Groningen University, The Netherlands

COVID-19 infection part 1: Vascular effect, RAAS, Endothelium and NO (2021-04-15)

Welcome: Carolina Hagberg

Overview of potential long-term vascular effects following Covid-19 infection: Jonas Spaak

Covid-19 and RAAS: circulating soluble ACE2 and ACE: Annika Lundström

Effects of Covid-19 on endothelial function and its interaction with erythrocytes: John Pernow

Conclusion and clinical reflection: Mattias Carlström

Interaction between the red blood cell (RBC) and the endothelium in cardiometabolic disease (2020-03-04)

The RBC: Novel mediator of cardiovascular disease and target for treatment: John Pernow

Downregulation of RBC miR-210 induces endothelial dysfunction in type 2 diabetes: Zhichao Zhou

Abnormal RBC function and reduced nitric oxide bioavailability in women with preeclampsia: Mattias Carlström


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