KiiM retreat

Kiim 2024


We are happy to announce that the Karolinska Inflammation and Immunology (KiiM) retreat is on for 2024! The meeting will take place on the 10th and 11th of October at Djurönäset.

Registration including abstract submission will open in August.

We have an exciting list of confirmed speakers:

Onur Boyman (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Mauro Gaya (Centre d’Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy (CIML), France)
Johanne Jacobsen (University of Oslo, Norway)
Karin Loré (Karolinska Institutet, Sweden)
Fabiola Rivas (Editor Immunity)
Michael Sixt (Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA), Austria)

There will be a large number of short talks selected based on submitted abstracts. 

KiiM 2023

5-6 October at Djurönäset

We are happy to announce that the Karolinska Inflammation and Immunology (KiiM) retreat is on for 2023! The meeting will take place on the 5th and 6th of October at Djurönäset.

We have an exciting list of confirmed speakers: 

William Agace (Lund University, Sweden/DTU, Denmark)

Nir Hacohen (Harvard Medical School, US)

Sylvia Knapp (Medical University Vienna, Austria)

Enrico Lugli (Humanitas University Milan, Italy)

Claire Olingy (Editor Science Immunology)

Joan Yuan (Lund University, Sweden)

Hugo Zeberg (Karolinska Institutet, Sweden)

There will be a large number of short talks selected based on submitted abstracts.

This year we can welcome a maximum of 150 attendees and once again the meeting is free of charge to attendees via generous intramural and external  support.

More information will follow but please mark your calendars! Registration is scheduled to open in August 1st and close August 27th.

We look forward to seeing you in October, 

Anna Smed Sörensen                                                                           

on behalf of the KiiM steering committee

KiiM 2022

6-7 October at Skogshem & Wijk, Lidingö

Save the date!

We are happy to announce that the Karolinska Inflammation and Immunology (KiiM) retreat is on for 2022! The meeting will take place on the 6th and 7th of October at Skogshem & Wijk in Lidingö.

We have an exciting list of confirmed speakers:
Donna Farber (Columbia University, US)
Eric Vivier (CIML, France)
Sophie Ugolini (CIML, France)
Andrew Luster (Harvard University, US)
Kalle Malmberg (KI and Oslo University Hospital, Norway)
Thomas Korn (Technical University Munich, Germany)

There will be a large number of short talks selected based on submitted abstracts.  
This year we can welcome a maximum of 200 attendees and once again the meeting is free of charge to attendees via generous intramural and external support.

More information will follow but please mark your calendars! Registration is scheduled to open  August 1st and close August 28th.

We look forward to seeing you in October,
Anna Smed Sörensen
on behalf of the KiiM steering committee

KiiM 2021

7–8 October at Skogshem & Wijk, Lidingö

Welcome to the KiiM retreat 7–8 October 2021 at Skogshem & Wijk, Lidingö!

The registration is now closed.

We are limited to 150 participants. PhD students will be prioritised if we exceed the maximum number of participants. You will get a first confirmation email when filling out the registration form in the link. You will get a second confirmation email a few days after registration closes on August 24th to validate your spot.

Abstract submission and poster presentation is mandatory for PhD students and postdocs but we encourage everyone to who is interested to be considered for short talk presentations to submit an abstract. This year, in addition to student/postdoc presentations, we will also have a couple of dedicated presentation slots for PIs/junior faculty.

A detailed program for the retreat will be sent out once short talks have been selected from abstracts after peer review.
Bus transportation leaves Cityterminalen at 8 am on Thursday morning, October 7th. Program starts at 9 am on Thursday and ends at 3 pm on Friday, when buses depart back to Cityterminalen.

Single rooms are limited and students will be expected to share hotel rooms (you can say who you would prefer to share room with in the registration form, but otherwise we will pair you up).

We look forward to seeing you at the KiiM retreat in October!

/Anna Smed Sörensen
on behalf of the KiiM steering committee

KiiM 2020

Cancelled due to COVID-19

The KiiM retreat scheduled for October 8-9, 2020 at Skogshem & Wijk is cancelled due to the current restrictions on public gatherings combined with restricted international travel for our invited speakers.

More information to follow during 2021.

/KiiM steering committee

KiiM 2018

20-21 September at Skoghem and Wijk, Lidingö.

Programme for KiiM 2018 (updated 2018-09-11)

The registration is now closed.

We have an outstanding scientific programme of external and internal speakers.
We are limited to 170 attendees this year, but once again the meeting is free of charge.
We request that everyone submits an abstract, as this will be the most important criteria for admission to the meeting.
There will be a large number of speaking slots, which are open to everyone at KI regardless of title on a competitive basis.
Registration closes June 10th.

We look forward to seeing you all,

/KiiM steering committee

KiiM 2017

Dear KiiM:ers!

As you may remember, this year’s KiiM retreat will be replaced by an international meeting organized by KiiM and SWIMM in cooperation. The meeting is the Scandinavian Society for Immunology (SSI) meeting in 2017. SSI 2017 takes place from October 17 to 20 at the Clarion Sign Hotel in the middle of Stockholm.

We are very proud of the program so far. The last addition on the speaker list is James Allison from the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas, which gives 17 speakers in total. There will also be a total of 26 slots for oral presentations at the meeting, in a format very similar to what we’ve had at the KiiM retreats in the last years. In addition, we are planning two interactive poster sessions.

Abstract submission opens Feb 15 so start already now to prepare for our contribution!

Deadline for abstract submission is extended til 12th May.

Unfortunately, we are not able to offer participation free of charge for KI attendees to this meeting, but there will be plenty of travel grants available from SWIMM, SSI and from EFIS to attend the meeting. However, even if you (or your boss!) will have to pay a little to attend, we hope that you will prioritize SSI 2017 this fall. It will represent a great opportunity, similar to the KiiM retreats, to catch up with fellow KI immunologists and also to meet new ones outside of KI!

At the program website you can find the preliminary program along with some important dates. The address is
I and the rest of the organizing committee looks forward to seeing you at SSI 2017 in October!

Petter Höglund
SSI 2017 Organizing committe

Petter Höglund, SWIMM chair
Anna Fogdell-Hahn, former SSI and SWIMM chair
Mikael Karlsson, KiiM chair
Lisa Westerberg, SWIMM treasurer and KiiM board member

KiiM 2016

KiiM is now full-up! We have reached our allocation of 200 people that we have budgeted for. I’m afraid we cannot accept any more people. We will contact those who registered shortly.

Best wishes,
Stephen for the KiiM steering committee

Dear Karolinska Immunologists,

We are delighted to announce that the 2016 KiiM retreat registration is now open. Please follow the following link in order to registrate. As the KiiM retreat is very popular, please register as soon as possible to secure your place.

The meeting is from the 13th to 14th of October. An abstract will be required by Postdocs and students for registration, and we are happy to announce that the meeting is again free of charge this year.

Confirmed speakers so far:

  • Clare Lloyd; Imperial College London
  • Ken Smith; Cambridge Institute for Medical Research
  • Ludvig Sollid; University of Oslo
  • Stefan Rose-John; Kiel University
  • Mikael Sigvardsson; Lund University

For questions regarding abstracts and registration, please contact Louisa Cheung at For other questions, please contact Mikael Karlsson at
For SWIMM members: SWIMM will reimburse you for the cost after the meeting upon sending original receipts for economy type travel to Lisa Westerberg. Please also fill in the expense claim below and send everything to this address to Lisa Westerberg.

Warm welcome!

Best wishes,​​​​​​

/KiiM steering committee

KiiM 2015

The 8th KiiM was held on 15-16 October 2015 at Sånga-Säby. This year's conference featured 246 participants, 13 invited speakers, 12 selected talks from abstracts and 130 posters presented in an interactive poster session. All invited speakers were exceptionally interesting, covering a broad area of immunology and inflammation. As before the conference was free of charge for all KI-associated scientists.

The KiiM retreat is organized by the KI network in inflammation and immunology (KiiM) with the help of the following other networks and associations:

The Theme Center for Inflammatory Diseases (CID) 
The Doctoral programme in Allergy, immunology and inflammation (Aii)
The KI network in circulation and respiration (KIRCNET) 
The Centre for Allergy Research (CfA)
The Swedish Society for Immunology (SWIMM).


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