Biostatistics at KI

Research in biostatistics involves the development and application of statistical methods with the ultimate aim of better health for all. By developing new quantitative methods and making innovative applications to substantive and demanding scientific problems, biostatistical scientists play a central role in the advancement of research in public health, biology, and medicine.

Join the biostatistics mailing list

The KI-BIOSTAT mailing list distributes information of interest to biostatisticians in the Stockholm area, with specific focus on events at KI. The list is managed at Karolinska Institutet but is open to all individuals with an interest in biostatistics, irrespective of formal qualifications or geographic location.

The list is for distributing information on events where biostatistical scientists are the primary target audience. The list can be used to advertise job vacancies in biostatistics, but it should not be used for general discussion of biostatistics.

To subscribe to the list, send a mail to

What is biostatistics research?

Biostatistics is the science of inferring knowledge from data in the fields of medicine, biology, and public health. Researchers in the field of biostatistics study the theory, tools, and applications of methods for the collection, analysis, presentation, and interpretation of biomedical data. We work closely with subject matter experts in order to advance scientific knowledge. More information can be found here

Education in Biostatistics

Master's programme in Biostatistics and Data Science

A 2-year Master's programme in Biostatistics and Data Science has just started (autumn 2024). This is a programme offered jointly by Karolinska Institutet, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and Stockholm University. If you are interested to read more about the programme, please visit the KI web page.  

Service courses in biostatistics

KI offers a number of service courses aimed at students majoring in disciplines other than biostatistics. KI has an overview of courses in biostatistics and statistical software. Information about courses can also be found on the webpages of the departments responsible for the courses.

Courses at LIME
Courses at IMM
Courses at GPH

Biostatistical collaboration and support

The following groups offer biostatistical collaboration and support to medical and public health research:

If you need further biostatistical support information about procured consultancy services in biostatistics, it can be found at Data processing and extended statistical support | Staff Portal (

Interested in doctoral studies in biostatistics?

Karolinska Institutet welcomes doctoral students in biostatistics. Although, there is no doctoral programme in biostatistics at Karolinska Institutet, there are PhD students whose research area is biostatistics (i.e., students developing new statistical methods as part of their research). Karolinska Institutet is a great environment for doctoral education in biostatistics; researchers in biostatistics are integrated in departments where world-leading research in methods development is performed side-by-side with world-leading research is medicine and public health. There are targeted courses for PhD students in biostatistics, but they run irregularly. The courses are 1) Statistical Inference and Large Sample Theory (this course is offered via a national network for PhD level courses in statistics); 2) Theory of Survival Analysis Using Counting Processes; 3) Advanced Causal Inference. More courses may be developed in the future, and some courses might be offered as short workshops or seminars. For more information on doctoral level courses contact Therese Andersson.

We do not have a centralised admission program to doctoral education; all new doctoral positions are advertised individually on the KI web page. In addition to checking for advertised positions, scholars interested in doctoral education are encouraged to approach individual researchers and enquire about possibilities. Be aware that researchers receive many e-mails from prospective students and those that are non-personal (i.e., sent to large numbers of recipients) do not usually receive a reply.

Contact persons

Profile image

Nicola Orsini

Principal Researcher

MedStat, statistical consultation

Unit: Medical Statistics Unit, LIME

Biostatistics calendar

Upcoming events

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