Multiple Sclerosis and Sickness Absence
MS is the most common degenerative neurological disease among young adults and usually debuts between the age of 20 and 40; age periods when the activities in working life often are high. For many MS-patients the disease means a significant, but varied, disability involving also decreased work capacity.
The overall aim of the project is, among people with MS to
a) map the patterns of sickness absence and disability pension
b) identify risk factors for sickness absence and disability pension, and
c) increase the knowledge of the life and work situation, to get a knowledgebase for interventions.
Several different studies are ongoing in the project.
Financial support
has been received from Biogen, Celgene, the Swedish Research Council on Health, Working Life and Welfare, the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, Nerofonden and the Swedish Research Council.
PhD thesis
- Murley C. Work disability, economic situation, and societal costs of multiple sclerosis in Sweden. Karolinska Institutet, Division of Insurance Medicine 2022.
- Wiberg M. Development of income following sickness absence from the workplace or long-term unemployment, and among individuals with Multiple Sclerosis. Karolinska Institutet, Division of Insurance Medicine 2017.