Mental health problems among students in higher education

Mental ill-health is common among students in higher education. The proportion of students who report mental ill-health has increased over time and above all students report mental health problems such as stress, worry, anxiety, depression, and sleeping problems. Studying with mental health problems poses extra challenges to the study situation and can increase the risk of non-completion.

There is little scientific knowledge about how students with mental health problems in higher education experience their study situation, and what support can facilitate their possibilities to carry out the studies. The need for in-depth knowledge, based on students' own descriptions of their study situation in general as well as during the pandemic, has been emphasized.

The overall objective of the project was to increase the knowledge about how students with mental health problems in higher education experience their study situation and the support they have or need.

Financial support has been received from Swedish Council for Higher Education. 

Project leader: Carin Nyman, PhD


Report in Swedish (short summary in English):

Studiesituationen för studenter med psykiska besvär. Fördjupande beskrivning utifrån en intervjustudie. Forskningsrapport. Universitets och högskolerådet Rapport 2022:7, (sid 1–48).
