NutriLab - Press & media coverage
Article in Big Think

In this article published in Big Think, Putu Agus Khorisantono discusses how our expectations can influence taste experiences, especially when they don't align with actual sensory inputs. He highlights how cultural and personal associations with foods shape our perception of flavor.
Article in The EU Research & Innovation Magazine Horizon

In this article on research advances 2024 (published in 'Horizon' The EU Research & Innovation Magazine), Janina Seubert talks about the impact of smell on our food cravings and her plans to investigate the mechanisms behind it.
Episode on taste in podcast Psykologisk forskning

"Food is on our lips – and in our thoughts – almost all the time. But why do we like certain flavors – are such preferences innate, learned, or both? Is the visual system involved when we eat? Janina Seubert answers questions and talks about her research on how smell, taste, and other senses interact when we eat, on the podcast of the Division of Psychology Psykologisk forskning, the episode is available on Spotify and Apple podcasts.
Interview on spicy tastes on SVTs morgonstudion

The spicy noodle challenge revisited. Janina Seubert was a guest in SVT:s Morgonstudion for a conversation on why we experience the 'spicy noodles' as so spicy. Read the article and the see the clip from Morgonstudion here.
Interview on odors with Handelsnytt

In this Handelsnytt article, Janina Seubert answers questions around odors such as why we stop smelling odors after being exposed to them for some time and what her favorite odor is.
Article in The EU Research & Innovation Magazine Horizon

What if the path to healthier human diets is through the nose? In this article in The EU Research & Innovation Magazine 'Horizon', Janina Seubert discusses the role of smell in shaping food preferences as the guiding hypothesis of her research and provides insights into how she aims to investigate this question in her EU funded project OLFLINK (Grant agreement No. 947886).
Lecture at the Senior University Stockholm

Why does this taste good or bad? Janina Seubert answers this and other questions about the neuroscience of taste in a lecture for the Senior University Stockholm.