About the Centre for Trauma Research

Traumatic injury is the overall leading cause of death under 45 years of age worldwide resulting in an annual worldwide death toll of more than 5.8 million people. The trauma population has a low mean age, and more than two-thirds of patients are completely healthy before the traumatic event. The predominant cause of death is due to head and neck injuries followed by bleeding as the second most frequent cause.

The Centre for Trauma Research is a centre formation at Karolinska Institutet with the aim of assembling competences in clinical traumatology, prehospital traumatology, epidemiological traumatology, and experimental traumatology.

The mission of the center is to:

  • Increase contacts, information exchange and direct collaboration between groups in trauma research.
  • Work for coordination within postgraduate education in the area.
  • Joint research applications (in various coalitions of center participants).
  • Convey information to and from relevant authorities. Participate in research-based medical education, within the field of traumatology.
Boxes with text describing various areas in which the centre engages.
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