Recruitment of a new Head of Department at OnkPat

This is a live page where we will continuously update information about the process regarding the recruitment of a new Head of Department at the Department of Oncology-Pathology during winter 2024/spring 2025. We aim to set a process with good transparency and should there be any questions along the way, do not hesitate to contact our head of administration Ulrika Almquist, who has the role of secretary in the recruitment group, or chairman Jonas Fuxe.


Lars Holmgren has been Head of Department of Oncology-Pathology since July 2018, and was previous to that Deputy head of Department from 2014. Lars has had a committed leadership during his time as Head of Department, but has now announced that he wants to step down from this by the summer of 2025. 

Recruitment group 

  • Jonas Fuxe, chairperson, Head of Department of Laboratory Medicine.
  • Ulrika Almquist, secretary, Head of Administration, Department of Oncology-Pathology
  • Linda Lindström, member, Principal Researcher, Docent, Department of Oncology-Pathology
  • Janne Lehtiö, member, Professor, Department of Oncology-Pathology
  • Simon Ekman, member, MD/Professor, Department of Oncology-Pathology
  • Carl Johan Sundberg, adjunct, Dean KI North
  • Patrik Rossi, adjunct, Managing Director Cancer Theme, Karolinska University Hospital
  • Hanna Sillén, support to secretary, Assistant to Head of Department, Department of Oncology-Pathology 

The process  

Step 1 – The Dean appoints a chairperson 

Jonas Fuxe, Head of Department at LabMed has been appointed as chairman. 

Step 2 - The chairperson appoints a recruitment group

The chairperson appoints a recruitment group with the tasks of deciding a requirements profile, identifying suitable candidate/s, interviewing the candidate/s and arranging a hearing for the Department with the identified candidate/s. Discussions and confirmation of the recruitment group members will take place within the Department collaboration committee with student and union representatives and the Department management group. 

Step 3-4 Requirements profile

The recruitment group drafts a requirements profile. Discussions on the requirements profile took place within the Department collaboration committee with student-, department-, and union representatives, and has been confirmed by the Dean.  

Step 5 - Nomination and interviews

The nomination process has concluded. 65 nominations were received, distributed among 18 candidates. The recruitment group has reviewed the submitted proposals based on the requirements profile and asked selected candidates if they are available for the assignment. Interviews with selected candidates has been conducted during January 2025.

Step 6 - Hearing

Mikael Björnstedt, Ola Larsson, and Andreas Lundqvist are candidates for the position of Head of the Department of Oncology-Pathology. An open hearing was organized on the 13th of February where the candidates presented themselves and their thoughts on the role.

Step 7 - Report to the Dean

The chairperson submits a report with the recruitment group’s proposal at a meeting with the Dean. The report should include the recruitment group’s requirements profile, an account of the recruitment process, a statement from the recruitment group, and comments from the unions. At the meeting, the department’s financial conditions for the assignment should also be presented. 

Step 8 - Individual assessments of the proposed candidate/s

The final candidate/s selected by the Dean undergo individual assessments and competency evaluations with the support of the HR department. The results are reported back to the Dean and a representative from the HR Office. The assessment later forms the basis for the Head of Department’s introduction.

Step 9 - Interviews with the candidate/s

The final candidate/s will be interviewed by the Dean and a HR specialist. 

Step 10 - Union collaboration

The HR department collaborates with the central trade unions. The Head of Administration is responsible, when applicable, for ensuring consultations with the healthcare principal (theme manager or equivalent) take place.

Step 11 - Decision by KI President

The decision is preceded by an assessment of the financial conditions for the assignment.

Requirements profile