Education at NVS on Basic and Advanced Level

Almost half of Karolinska Institutet's students at basic and advanced level carry out their education at the Department of NVS. Tomorrow's healthcare personnel, researchers and teachers are educated in an environment of specialist medical care and internationally recognized research.

Education at NVS

For information about our educational programmes and courses at the department  of NVS, visit the Swedish page.

Collaboration with research

All the department's courses take place in close collaboration with research and healthcare. Scientific theory and methodology are an integrated part of what is taught. The teachers are often leading researchers in their respective fields. Researchers in family and community medicine, occupational therapy, geriatrics, nursing and physiotherapy take part in the department's comprehensive education activities in modern, purpose-built premises. At the hospital, there is a modern Center for Clinical Education (CCE) for students, teachers and personnel, where both current and future healthcare personnel can test and practice their skills under the guidance of teachers and clinical supervisors. They ensure that the activities involved are carried out correctly in terms of technology, hygiene, instruction and safety.

Several teachers and researchers at the Karolinska Institutet are employed by or work jointly for the health service, which contributes to the high quality of education. However, more combined positions of this kind are needed. To raise the quality of the education courses even further, the requirements for the teachers' instructional skills have also been made more stringent. All researchers who gain a position as an assistant lecturer or lecturer in the department must have at least ten weeks' training in education.

Annika Clemes