Master’s degree in Occupational Therapy

Karolinska Institutet offers a combination of freestanding courses on advanced level to achieve a Master’s degree in Occupational Therapy. The freestanding courses offered by the Division of Occupational Therapy are at the moment only conducted in Swedish.
An overview of the courses is available on the Swedish information page of the Master's degree in Occupational Therapy.
European Master in Occupational Therapy
The Division of Occupational Therapy has a collaboration with the European Master Program in Occupational Therapy which offers Master's studies in an international environment.
Read more on the European Master in Occupational Therapy's webpage. The programme has received high marks for its quality.
Master's courses in dementia care for occupational therapists
The Division of Occupational Therapy together with the Division of Physiotherapy at Karolinska Institute provide a unique web-based master's education in dementia care. The master's education is a professional education.
During the courses, occupational therapists and physiotherapists study together. However, some courses are profession-specific.
Read more about the Master's Courses in Dementia Care for Occupational therapists and Physiotherapists (60 credits, distance)