About treatment

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Treatment targets in these patients is almost exclusively directed against the immune response and there are now several treatment alternatives available all with their advantages and disadvantages. Important for a good treatment (stated from our web survey) is:

  • According to patients: Quality of life
  • According to physicians: protection against long-term disability

- None of these are very well reflected in standard two year randomized clinical trials.

Treatments used in MS

Treatments used
Generic name Brand name
Interferon beta (IFNβ) Avonex, Betaferon, Extavia, Rebif, Plegridy
Glatiramer acetate (GA) Copaxone
Natalizumab Tysabri
Fingolimod Gilenya
Alemtuzumab Lemtrada
Teriflunomide Aubagio
Dimethylfumarate Tecfidera
Daclizumab Zinbryta
Rituximab Mabthera

To find detailed description of mode of actions, doses and side effects, please visit the Medical Products Agency or the Swedish MS society and patient organizations.

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