Swedish Radiation Emergency Medicine Centre (KcRN)
We are a centre of expertise (in Swedish: Kunskapscentrum) providing expert medical advice on medical management of radionuclear events. The centre is supperted by the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare.

Our mission and scope
The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare supports seven centres of expertise in Sweden, whereof we are one. The mission of our centre is research, development and expert advice to relevant authoities and the healthcare system in general. The aim is to provide knowledge that improves the Swedish preparedness for radionuclear events.
The Swedish Radiation Emergency Medicine Centre (KcRN) mission includes:
- Actively monitor events and trends involving radiation around the world. Take part in international networks to gather information.
- Educate medical professionals in medical management of radiation-related events.
- Give expert advice and research reports to the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare.
Most of our published work is in Swedish (in reports and on a blog dedicated to summaries of events and scientific articles). The reports will be published in due course on the Swedish version of this web page and the monitoring of events and articles is ongoing on our blog.
The centre is located at Karolinska Institutet, Solna. It belongs to the Department of Medicine, Solna.
KcRN staff
Leif Stenke
Head of centre, professor, senior consultant hematologistErik Boberg
Med.dr., consultant hematologistChristel Hedman
Med.dr., senior consultant oncologyMarita Lagergren Lindberg
Med.dr., senior consultant oncologyKarin Lindberg
Med.dr., senior consultant oncologyJoachim Nilsson
Med.dr, nuclear medicine physicistDaniel Thor
Med.dr, nuclear medicine physicistJack Valentin
Associate professor, radiation protection expertCollaboration
The centre is a formal liaison institution within the World Health Organisation (WHO) and its Radiation Emergency Medical Preparedness and Assistance Network (REMPAN) The centre is also a member in the board of Nuclear Accident Committee (NAC) within the and Marrow Transplantation group (EBMT).