Step 1: Green Light – approval of a doctoral supervisor at the Department of Medicine, Huddinge

The first step in the admission process for a prospective principal supervisor at the Department of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH), is explained here.

A Green Light is an assessment of the suitability as supervisor with focus on track-record and time to supervise. The Green Light is one aspect of many assessed when a new doctoral position is established.

All supervisors need to be thoroughly familiar with KI's regulations governing doctoral education.

Mandatory supervisor training

To be approved, the prospective supervisor needs to complete mandatory supervisor training, apart from the approved the Green Light. The mandatory supervisor training is divided into two parts:

1. Web course for doctoral supervisors 
A passing score on the web course cannot be older than five years prior to accepting a new doctoral student. 

2. Introductory Doctoral Supervision Course
The aim of the course is to prepare participants for the role of supervisor and to provide insight into the responsibilities that it entails.

Application for Green Light

After the completed supervisor training, it is time to apply for the Green Light. The application must be submitted to the administration for doctoral education one week before the meeting for the approval of Green Light.

The application for Green Light is processed once a month. 

Please note! The Green Light is connected to a specific doctoral position at MedH, and is not be considered as a general approval to supervise.

The Green Light is valid for one year.

Follow these steps:

1. The prospective supervisor completes the Application for Green Light form*

*Please attach certificate of completed supervisor training
*On the form, note in the comments whether the application concerns a clinical (employed by other employer than KI) or employed doctoral student

2. The corresponding Head of Unit at MedH signs the Green Light

3. Send the signed application to

4. Approved Green Light – information will be provided by the administration for doctoral education.

Contact Education Administrator for doctoral education 

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Monica Ahlberg

Education Administrator for doctoral education, MedH

Dates of meetings Green Light, Spring-24 / Autumn -24

  • 11 January
  • 1 February
  • 7 March
  • 4 April
  • 2 May
  • 30 May
  • 27 June
  • 5 September
  • 3 October
  • 7 November
  • 5 December

The Green Light application is approved by the Head of Department, Petter Höglund and the Director of Doctoral Studies, Mattias Svensson.