Step 3: Recruitment of doctoral student at the Department of Medicine, Huddinge

The third step in the admission process for supervisors at the Department of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH) is explained here.

Once the establishment of doctoral position has been approved (see Step 2), the recruitment of a candidate can begin. The recruitment process includes advertising, eligibility assessment and the application for residence permit if necessary, see below.

The HR partner at MedH is responsible for the recruitment process. 

Note! In case of exceptions to the announcement (not advertising), the recruiting manager needs to contact the education administration for doctoral education at MedH,




In order to advertise the doctoral position, the recruiting manager needs to send and e-mail to the HR Partner at MedH with the following mandatory information: 

1. Attachment with the approved application for Establishment of doctoral position.

2. When to advertise the position and period for the advertisement (minimum is three weeks).

3. Suggestion/text of advertisement according to the template for doctoral positions (the HR Partner can provide the template and sample ads if desired).

Advertisement period

When the advertisement has been published, the recruiting manager is given access to the recruiting system Varbi  and login details.

Three days before the advertisement period has expired, an e-mail will be generated informing about the remaining time for the recruitment. The recruiting manager is responsible for contacting the HR Partner at MedH in case advertisement is to be extended. 

Please note that it's not possible to prolong the advertisement period if the advertisement has already expired!

Eligibility Assessment

Step 1

When the HR Partner at MedH has published the advertisement, The Professional services at KI begins an eligibility assessment of all candidates. Professional services aim to complete the eligibility assessment process within 3 weeks after the advertisement has expired. Note that in special cases the time frame for this process may deviate.

  • The recruiting manager is allowed to contact the candidates that have been assessed by Professional services and that are eligible (marked as green) when ALL candidates have been assessed. The recruiting manager must therefore wait to conduct interviews until all cadidate's applications have been assessed.
  • The recruiting manager is NOT allowed to proceed with candidates that have been assessed as not eligible (marked as red).
  • In case the recruiting manager is interested in a candidate that has been marked as not eligible (red), please contact the HR-partner.

Important! The selected candidate is not yet admitted to doctoral education, and can therefore not be promised/offered an employment and/or position to the doctoral education at this stage.

For more information about the process see the Entry Requirements to Doctoral Education at KI.

Step 2

Once the recruiting manager has selected a candidate, they must inform the HR-partner at MedH with the selected candidate's name, and then the HR-partner will contact Professional services to get the eligibility statement.

Residence permit

Please contact the HR Partner at MedH in case the candidate does not have Swedish citizenship!

If the candidate doesn't have a citizenship in an EU/ESS country, the HR Partner together with the candidate and the recruiting manager, need to submit an application for a residence permit to the Swedish Migration Authority.

The candidate is not allowed to start their employment until the residence permit is approved. 

IMPORTANT! The processing time at the Swedish Migration Authority is normally three to six months and must be approved before the candidate is allowed to start.