Education at Lifelong Learning in Health Care Contexts

Lifelong Learning in Health Care Contexts (LLiHCC) is engaged in teaching at all educational levels – bachelor, master, doctoral – and lifelong learning both at Karolinska Institutet and elsewhere.

Undergraduate level and Master's level

We are mainly involved in teaching in KI's Medical Programme and at the Scandinavian College of Naprapathic Manual Medicine.

We regularly supervise students in their degree projects or master's theses.

Doctoral level

At the doctoral level we are responsible for a variety of courses offered to PhD students at KI. Topics include: Medical education research, teaching and learning, scientific communication and research methodology. 

We are active in the steering group for the Doctoral Programme in Health Care Science as well as the steering group for the national research school in Health Professions Education 

We have several PhD students in our team and co-supervise students at other departments and universities.

Faculty and professional level

The members of LLiHCC teach in faculty development courses (such as Teaching and Learning in Higher Education) and continuous professional development courses for clinicians.

As learning is one of our favourite concepts in LLiHCC, we not only conduct research on learning, but also help improve education by developing systems for assessment, quality improvement and feedback, as well as through evaluation of new innovative teaching and learning methods.

We are happy to explore new teaching collaborations or supervision opportunities.

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