Building implementation capacity
To ensure the provision of high-quality safety and cost-effective health and welfare services, managers and professionals are required to introduce and ensure the routine use of clinical guidelines and other evidence-based interventions. Despite this, they often lack training and support in implementation.
Project description
The project aims to investigate how implementation capacity can be built in health and welfare by evaluating a team training intervention in evidence-based implementation. The Building Implementation Capacity (BIC) intervention is based on the Behavior Change Wheel and considers implementation as a matter of behavior change. A total of approximately 40 teams, consisting of managers and staff from health and welfare organizations, will be included in the project. Through the intervention, these teams will gain skills in using a systematic implementation model. A longitudinal mixed-methods evaluation will be applied to study the extent to which the intervention results in increased knowledge and skills, successful implementation, and the extent to which the teams' and organizations' implementation capacity is developed and maintained.
The project is conducted in collaboration between the PROCOME research group and the Centre for epidemiology and community medicine, Region Stockholm
Leif Eriksson, Enheten för implementering och utvärdering, Centrum för epidemiolog och samhällsmedicin
Annika Bäck, Enheten för implementering och utvärdering, Centrum för epidemiolog och samhällsmedicin
Mårten Åhström, Enheten för implementering och utvärdering, Centrum för epidemiolog och samhällsmedicin
Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (FORTE)
Study protocol outlining the study