For Employees at KBH
Information for you who are employed at KBH

Welcome to the Department of Women’s and children’s health, we hope that you will enjoy working with us! On this page, you will find information your employment at KI and KBH.
Mandatory education
You can easily participate in the mandatory courses at KBH through your computer when it suits you. Except for the fire safety training, this course is carried out in groups and a registration in advance is required.
- Work environment and health
- Environment and sustainable development
- Online course on discrimination and equal opportunities
- Collaboration to encourage participation at KI
- Working as a government employee
Requires login: Username: introKI Password: intro2016 - Information security
You will receive several emails with short training steps to your KI email - Fire safety training (practical and theoretical)
All KI staff must complete a basic fire training within six months of employment and then repeat every four years.
Additional information for employees at KBH
On the central website Your employment, you will find information concerning your employment. Some of the central web pages have additional information for KBH employees that you can access if you log in with your KI ID. The information can be found at the bottom of the pages. We have gathered these pages below so that you easily can take part of the information that concerns you.
- Here you can read more about rules and routines for KI badge
- Read more about routines and conditions for the wellness allowance
- Here you will find routines and information concerning sick leave
- Going on a business trip? Visit this page for travel booking
- Here you can read about organization, roles and responsibility relating to the work environment
- Read more about our work with equal terms at KI
- Here you can read more about KI's routines and attitude towards discrimination and harassment
- Here you will find information about biosafety
- Here you will find information on chemical safety