SciRAP reporting checklists

Here you can find reporting checklists to help researchers report studies in a structured and transparent way.

The SciRAP reporting checklists are intended for researchers, reviewers and scientific journals. The guidelines list details of the study objective, design, execution, analysis and results that are considered critical for evaluating the reliability and relevance of the study in the regulatory setting. The reporting guidelines are primarily based on the criteria developed for the reliability and relevance evaluation of ecotoxicity, toxicity and epidemiology studies. In addition, the ARRIVE reporting guidelinesUS National Research Council guidelines, and STROBE were considered in the development of reporting guidelines for toxicity and epidemiology studies. 

Checklists for reporting ecotoxicity, in vivo toxicity, in vitro toxicity and epidemiological studies are available as Excel files here. They can be used as templates, for example for reporting supplemental information in a scientific publication.

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