Migrant Health | Global and Sexual Health research group
One of the research areas investigated by the Global and Sexual Health is Migrant Health.

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Photo: Pixabay CC0
Areas of focus
- Healthcare services
- Integration
List of research Projects
- Arabic speaking migrants views on sex education in Sweden (Sweden)
For more information contact: Elin Larsson - Hur förbättrar vi unga mäns sexuella och psykiska hälsa? Ett implementeringsprojekt bland unga manliga migranter i Stockholms län (Sweden)
For more information contact: Mariano Salazar - IMPROVE – Promoting equitable reproductive health: IMplementing best practice postpartum contraceptive services through a quality imPROVEment initiative for and with immigrant women in Sweden (Sweden)
For more information contact: Elin Larsson - PositivMasc – Maskuliniteter och våld mot kvinnor bland ungdomar: Identifiera diskurser och utveckla strategier för förändring med hjälp av en blandad metod (Sweden)
For more information contact: Mariano Salazar - Migrants - mental health in relation to SRHR and risk behaviours in young migrants in Sweden (Sweden)
For more information contact: Anna Mia Ekström - Migrants - sexual and reproductive health and rights in relatin to norms, HIV and risk behaviours in young migrants in Sweden (Sweden)
For more information contact: Anna Mia Ekström - Sexual and Reproductive health and right and HIV services uptake among migrants in Sweden (Sweden)
For more information contact: Anna Mia Ekström