Cannabis use and health | EPICSS

Recent attempts to estimate the global and regional prevalence, as well as health and social consequences of cannabis use have highlighted substantial gaps in existing knowledge. This project aims at increasing the understanding of cannabis use-related morbidity and dependence.


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Cannabis use and the risk of anxiety and depression in women: A comparison of three Swedish cohorts.
Rabiee R, Lundin A, Agardh E, Hensing G, Allebeck P, Danielsson AK
Drug Alcohol Depend 2020 11;216():108332

Cannabis use, subsequent other illicit drug use and drug use disorders: A 16-year follow-up study among Swedish adults.
Rabiee R, Lundin A, Agardh E, Forsell Y, Allebeck P, Danielsson AK
Addict Behav 2020 07;106():106390

Cannabis, Tobacco, Alcohol Use, and the Risk of Early Stroke: A Population-Based Cohort Study of 45 000 Swedish Men.
Falkstedt D, Wolff V, Allebeck P, Hemmingsson T, Danielsson AK
Stroke 2017 02;48(2):265-270

Cannabis use, depression and anxiety: A 3-year prospective population-based study.
Danielsson AK, Lundin A, Agardh E, Allebeck P, Forsell Y
J Affect Disord 2016 Mar;193():103-8



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