KI Animal welfare body at KI campus Solna
The Animal Welfare Body (AWB) is an independent authority at KI, and the aim of the AWB is to strengthen the animal welfare for laboratory animals.
Furthermore, the AWB handles amendments to laboratory animal ethics licenses which do not interfere with animal welfare, or administrative amendments such as change of the ethics license holder or animal facility.

AWB recommendations and guidelines
The animal welfare body is an independent authority at KI with the aim to strengthen animal welfare for all laboratory animals.

Apply to the AWB for an amendment
You can apply to the animal welfare body for an amendment to your approved ethics license if your amendment meets the requirements outlined here.
The amendment will only be valid for your research animals housed in the KI animal facilities associated with your local animal welfare body (e.g. campus Solna).

Animal research outside of Sweden
Our self-assessment guide will take you through the first step of the framework.

KI's core facilities offering services for 3R
Here you will find core facilities from Karolinska Institutet that can help with replacement, reduction or refinement of animal research.

The AWB at KI
Meeting dates and more information about the animal welfare body.

Contact us
You may contact the AWB at any time by sending an e-mail to awb@ki.se