KI's core facilities offering services for 3R

Here you will find core facilities from Karolinska Institutet that can help with replacement, reduction or refinement of animal research.

Flow cytometry core facilities

The MedH Flow Cytometry Core Facility and the Biomedicum Flow Cytometry Core Facility are two KI core facilities that provide the same service and technology platforms which offers possibilities towards the 3R principles. 

Both facilities offer access to flow cytometry analysis and cell sorting instruments that allows for deep phenotyping of cells in complex tissues and organs. Through the advanced technology platforms available in both facilities, refinement in animal experiments is possible as these instruments require only small amount of samples e.g. from peripheral blood. Furthermore, as many parameters can be investigated at the same time, as well as give accurate and reproducible quantification, fewer mice are required to achieve statistical power within individual experiments (reduce). 

More information about the flow cytometry core facilities can be found here: 



Karolinska Institutet Biobank

KIBB is a research-integrated biobank uniquely capable of tailoring the processing of human samples to meet research requirements. By adopting flexibility and adaptability in automation and data management, KIBB offers processing for a wide range of sample and tube types, currently handling 80 sample types (e.g. plasma, saliva, viable cells) and 70 tube types. Upon arrival, samples undergo specific treatments before storage including automated sample processing, storage, and data management. It stands out in Sweden for integrating comprehensive pre-processing protocols into its automation system. 

More information about the KI biobank can be found here:


Live cell imaging core facility

The LCI offers equipment and expertise to image spheroids and organoids which are key multicellular models to replace animal studies. We enable imaging of samples labels with 5 fluorophores, screens in multiwell plates, using point or spinning disk confocals or light sheet systems. We give advice for experimental design, sample preparation, image acquisition, image analysis and data management. 

More information about the live cell imaging core facility can be found here:


Animal behavior core facility

The Animal Behavior core facility offers a state-of-the-art infrastructure to study mouse and rat behavior. We provide an optimal environment and technical/ educational support to scientists performing behavioral tests ranging from basic phenotype characterization to complex neuro-behavioral studies. We offer users training in the design and execution of behavioral experiments, optimal use of the equipment, and data analysis. We can also provide users with standardized behavioral protocols. This helps researchers prepare their ethical permits and promote experimental reproducibility while ensuring good practice and animal welfare (Refine, Reduce). Notably, the core facility is present at both campuses and supports a wide geographical space, which reduces the risks associated with the transfer of animals between houses and barriers (Refine, Reduce).

More information about the animal behavior core facility can be found here:


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