Animal research outside of Sweden
Karolinska Institutet has established a framework for those of you that plan to conduct or participate in research projects involving laboratory animals outside of Sweden.
This framework is your road map concerning the rules and regulations that you will need to adhere to when planning and conducting animal research outside of Sweden, and includes a KI decision on guidelines for using animal based research outside of Sweden.
Basic principles
- The parts of the study conducted in Sweden must follow the Swedish legislation and an ethical permit must be in place before commencing any experiments.
- The parts of the study conducted abroad must follow the local legislation and an ethical permit or similar (depending on the local legislation) must be in place before commencing any experiments.
Step-by-step process for conducting animal research outside of Sweden
- Familiarize yourself with KI's decision on a guideline for animal-based research outside of Sweden
- Conduct the self-assessment provided by the animal welfare body
- If you identify a risk that the research animals used outside of Sweden might suffer more compared to animals which would have been used in a similar study in Sweden, contact the animal welfare body.
- If your study will be involving the use of non-human primates outside of Sweden, contact the animal welfare body.
- If there is no risk that your study outside of Sweden leads to increased suffering of research animals and/or if you are not using non-human primates, keep the self-assessment for future reference and apply for all necessary permits.
Riktlinjer för djurbaserad forskning utomlands (PDF, 390.69 KB)
AWB Self-assessment for animal research abroad (Word, 96.7 KB)