Presentation submission - The Swedish Conference of Clinical Psychology
Proposals for the presentation of open papers, symposia, and posters may be submitted through the online submission form (link below).
The abstracts should be no longer than 300 words and structured according to the following headlines:
- Introduction
- Aims
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion/Conclusion
(citations and bibliographic references need not be included).
Abstract format for symposia can be adapted to better present the aim and focus of the proposed symposium.
The presentations should be conducted in English.
The scientific committee and the organizing committee reserve their right to decide the final format (oral or written) of any submission for presentation. The committee will timely inform the participants about the acceptance or rejection of the proposals made, once the submission deadline has expired.
The deadline for abstract submission: May 1, 2025
The final program will be published on the conference website on June 1, 2025.
Submission guidelines
Oral presentations are carried out on-site and in person and should be no longer than 20 minutes, including time for questions.
Symposia should comprise two to three presentations and be no longer than 20 minutes each, including time for questions.
Posters should be formatted using the template provided by the conference.
An author can submit or be part of up to two separate submissions.
Each presentation must be carried out by one of the submitting authors.
Presentations can be based on published or unpublished work but submissions need to clearly state the status of the work, including references to publications.
The submitting author vouches for all authors' acceptance and responsibility for the presentation.