Brain Molecular Imaging Centre (BMIC)
A Core Facility for molecular imaging of the brain using Positron Emission Tomography (PET).
Photo: Andrea Varrone
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Photo: Samuel Lundberg
Services at BMIC
Photo: Andrea Varrone
About PET
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is an unsurpassed method for imaging biochemical and physiological processes in vivo.
Photo: Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
Participating in a PET Study
In order for medical research to progress and contribute to better treatments, researchers are completely dependent on people standing up as subjects. At the same time, the studies in which the subjects participate must be as harmless as possible.
Photo: Illustration: Max Andersson.
Facts about BMIC
Location: BioClinicum, Solna
Scientific director: Andrea Varrone
Manager: Anton Forsberg Morén
Key words: Positron emission tomography (PET), imaging tools, image processing, in vivo imaging
Department: Department och Clinical Neuroscience
Photo: Lasse Skog