A new European consortium, funded with 6 million Euros, will create a network of support for EU Mission on Cancer
The project Establishing of Cancer Mission Hubs: Networks and Synergies (ECHoS) aims to coordinate R&I and Healthcare actions on cancer, with policy-making processes, towards people-centric healthcare and research systems.
The consortium brings together the leading expertise of more than 50 governmental, healthcare, academic, and nonprofit organizations from 28 countries.
Establishing of Cancer Mission Hubs: Networks and Synergies (ECHoS)
Stockholm, Sweden, May 3rd, 2023
Cancer represents a global health challenge. It affects everyone regardless of gender, or even social status and is a tremendous burden for patients, families, friends, and societies. According to the European Cancer Information System, the incidence of cancer in Europe by 2040 is expected to increase by 20.96% and mortality by 31.76%. This means that if no further actions are taken, around 3.24 million people will be diagnosed, and 1.66 million people will die in Europe. In Sweden the prediction of new cases/year in 2040 is more than 100 000 there is a pressing need to act, together.
Driving the Horizon Europe Mission on Cancer initiative is the ambitious goal to improve “the lives of more than 3 million people by 2030 through prevention, cure and for those affected by cancer including their families, to live longer and better”. This is also the driving force behind the project ECHoS, Establishing of Cancer Mission Hubs: Networks and Synergies.
ECHoS, a new, three-year European consortium supported by Mission on Cancer, will play a vital role in supporting the bold and inspirational goals defined by this European initiative. Bringing together the expertise of 58 leading organisations, from governmental, healthcare, research, academic and non-profit sectors, this key consortium will ultimately provide member states and associated countries (MS/AC) with the capacity to gradually create National Cancer Mission Hubs (NCMHs). These NCMHs, operating at national, regional, and local levels, will have a vital role in involving all relevant stakeholders, including citizens, in cancer-related policy dialogues.
“The fight against cancer can no longer be an isolated endeavour. Currently, research, innovation and healthcare initiatives are largely siloed within specific communities and the engagement of citizens is either poor or nonexistent,” said Dr. Anabela Isidro, member of the AICIB (Agency for Clinical Research and Biomedical Innovation in Portugal) board. “Supported by the European Beating Cancer Plan and the EU Mission on Cancer, cancer occupies a central place within the European political agenda. At the conclusion of the Conference on the Future of Europe, political leaders championed pan-European cooperation towards a Health in All Policies approach, and a data-informed, citizen-focused, research-driven agenda. The time to act is now.” She concluded.
Sweden is represented by Karolinska CCC (Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital), Zero Vision Cancer and SALAR which will collaborate closely with the consortium coordinators (AICIB) and leading experts across Europe, to establish a NCMH in our country. This combined effort will coordinate R&I and Healthcare actions on cancer with policy-making processes towards people-centric healthcare and research systems in ways that cannot be achieved through individual efforts and fragmented initiatives.
“Creating a National Cancer Mission Hub in Sweden represents a key step towards strengthening the voice of national stakeholders in cancer policies in Europe. It will foster national and international collaboration, promote inclusivity, and drive innovation in cancer care. Therefore, we expect ECHoS to contribute to accelerating Cancer Research in our country. This is an opportunity to tailor our cancer landscape to the precise needs of our patients and society.”
The recent COVID-19 emergency exposed the fragilities in health systems, halting research, arresting clinical trials, and forcing limited resource allocation to tackle these emerging needs. Still, it also highlighted countries’ capacity to create functional synergies in health, policy, and research, successfully impacting the health scenario. With the Kick-Off Meeting occurring today, ECHoS will set the foundations for a strong and cohesive network of NCMHs among MS/AC aligned with Mission on Cancer. ECHoS will break new frontiers, beyond established research and health systems, reaching from individual citizens to European Institutions, Civil Society, Social Sector, Academia, Public and Private Sectors, improving the current landscape and setting a brighter future in cancer.
About AICIB - Agency for Clinical Research and Biomedical Innovation
AICIB is the Portuguese Agency for Clinical Research and Biomedical Innovation. Our mission is to promote, coordinate and support activities in the areas of clinical and translational research (CI&T) and biomedical innovation, contributing to the optimization of Portugal’s clinical, scientific, and technological potential. AICIB activities are structured around 5 main pillars (i) Foster Translational Clinical Research and Biomedical Innovation, (ii) Support the development of Clinical Academic Centres, (iii) Promote Clinical Trials, (iv) Support Digital Transformation in Health and (v) Foster the internationalization of Portuguese Health Research. For more information visit http://www.aicib.pt.