Available positions at KI

Position Organisation Last application date Sort descending
Postdoctoral studies in tumor immunology/Immunotherapy (scholarship) Department of Laboratory Medicine
Research assistant in nutrition and digital health Department of Medicine, Huddinge
Postdoctoral Researcher in Social Epidemiology Department of Clinical Neuroscience
Research Specialist in Social Epidemiology Department of Clinical Neuroscience
Adjunkt i arbetsterapi Division of Occupational therapy
Postdoctoral researcher in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Rheumatology division
Postdoktor inom arbetshälsa The Institute of Environmental Medicine
Djurtekniker Department of Comparative Medicine
Professor in pediatric endocrinology combined with employment as specialist physician at Astrid Lindgren’s Children’s Hospital, Karolinska University Hospital Department of Women´s and Children’s Health
Postdoctoral Researcher in Neuroimaging Department of Clinical Neuroscience
Statistician at the Division of Insurance Medicine Department of Clinical Neuroscience
Professor in Molecular Pathology Department of Laboratory Medicine
Professor in Embryonic stem cell biology Department for Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology
Postdoctoral studies in mechanistic and therapy development in CADASIL (scholarship) Division of Neurogeriatrics
Senior Lecturer in Perioperative Nursing Department of Clinical Science and Education, Södersjukhuset
Forskningssjuksköterska till lung- och allergiforskning Department of Medicine, Huddinge
Up to eight positions as Assistant Professor in Medical Science at one of KI's departments
Postdoctoral studies in neuropeptide release and function (scholarship) Harkany
PhD student position in computational developmental biology and stem cell research Department of Physiology and Pharmacology
Research Assistant in Human Organoid Modelling Department of Cell and Molecular Biology
Postdoctoral researcher in chromosome organization and dynamics Department of Cell and Molecular Biology
Postdoctoral Researcher in Psychiatric/public health epidemiology Department of Global Public Health
Postdoctoral Researcher characterizing Progenitor Cell Niches from Development to Adult Epithelium (Scholarship) Department of Cell and Molecular Biology
Postdoctoral Researcher in Geriatric Epidemiology with focus on the body-mind connection Aging Research Center, ARC
Doctoral (PhD) student position in Neurobiology of Stress and Treatment Response Department of Neuroscience