KI web course: Getting Started with the SDGs
Learn more about the Agenda 2030, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how each of us can contribute! The course includes activities, videos, quizzes and discussions.

Web course
- The course is self-paced
- Includes 2 modules
- Expected time to complete: 1 hour
The second course module is for those who would like to gain more knowledge about particular SDGs relevant for your teaching or research.
Getting Started with the SDGs (Canvas)
Links & Support documents
Increase your SDG knowledge

Factsheets: explore each SDG

Nations United film: Urgent Solutions for Urgent Times
See the world as it is and as it could be. The film focuses on the solutions and measures needed to reduce poverty, injustice and climate change.
Environment & human health

WHO: Preventing disease through healthy environments
The connection between the environment effect on human health and how it can be investigated.

Lancet Countdown 2020: Challenges and solutions
Learn about health effects from world health professionals.

Tobacco prevention
Learn how to Implement the WHO tools to reduce tobacco use.

Mental Health
The importance of mental health for sustainable development.

Sustainable development in higher education
How to implement the SDGs in higher education.

Political determinants of health
The political origins of health inequity and how they might be adressed.
Test your knowledge

Calculate your own carbon footprint
Calculate your own carbon footprint.

Test your worldview on SDGs
Take this test made by Gapminder organisation.