Simon Fagernäs
Besöksadress: Norra Stationsgatan 69, plan 7, 11364 Stockholm
Postadress: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 CPF Lundgren, 171 77 Stockholm
Om mig
- Clinical psychologist and PhD-student aiming at increasing our understanding of the psychotherapists' clinical challenges and how to develop clinical supervision to enhance clinical competence. Also interested in mechanisms of change in psychotherapy and why some therapists are better than others. I graduated at the psychology program at Uppsala University in 2017. I have a background in the field of psychometrics and talent assessment for recruitment purposes. I've also worked with the development of Yomento, an app for leadership development based on core principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. In 2017, I switched to the field of clinical psychology and started to work with psychological treatments in an outpatient psychiatric unit at Psykiatri Nordväst in Stockholm City Council, where I still work 50 %, treating patients with depression and anxiety disorders. I am a certified therapist in conducting Metacognitive Therapy (MCT) and treat most patients with this method. In 2019, I started my PhD training at the Centre for Psychiatry Research at Karolinska Institutet at 50 % pace.
- My research is about clinical supervision and psychotherapist training. Further, I'm doing research about therapist competencies. Currently, me and my team are doing a triangulation of psychotherapists' clinical challenges and skill deficiencies in order to better understand the needs of support or competency development. In a mixed-methods approach we are collecting data from psychotherapists, supervisors, and patients. The goal with the triangulation is to create a more objective taxonomy of therapists clinical challenges where the therapist competencies are relevant also for the patients.We are also running a set of studies with Single Case Experimental Design (SCED) to assess the effects of live supervision using Bug-in-the-Eye/Ear (BITE). BITE is a method for live-supervision where the therapist gets real-time guidance from the supervisor during the therapy session with the patient. In comparison to traditional methods of supervision, BITE enables real time-feedback which is one of the most important factors for maximizing procedural learning. We will proceed with new studies to examine different supervision formats and its effects on therapist competence and patient outcome. The next project will take place in an eating disorder context where therapist learning CBT-E will receive different formats and qualities of supervision. I'm also involved in two umbrella-reviews where one review previous systematic reviews of predictors and moderators of psychotherapy outcome and the other look at continuing eduaction and therapist training courses and their effects on patient outcome.
My main supervisor is Sven Alfonsson and we also have a collaboration with Ulrike Maass and her team from Potsdams University in Berlin, Germany. Alongside my PhD-project, I've been involved in research about how to use artificial intelligence (NLP) in qualitative psychotherapy research as well as a clinical study investigating the effects Metacognitive Therapy (MCT) in a group format for treating anxiety and depression in a naturalistic setting in an outpatient psychiatric clinic. I am also involved in several other research projects about metacognitive therapy and its effects on patient outcome.
- At the Centre for Psychiatry Research at Karolinska Institutet, I teach at different courses and programs, e.g. the psychotherapist program, the children and adolescent specialist program, and the supervisor program. I also teach at the clinic in psychiatric assessment and treatment methods. I supervise several PTP-psychologists and students in their bachelor and master theses.
- Journal article: COUNSELLING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY RESEARCH. 2024;24(4):1191-1205
- Article: PSYCHOTHERAPY. 2023;60(4):431-441
- Journal article: COUNSELLING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY RESEARCH. 2023;23(2):469-477
- Article: JOURNAL OF ANXIETY DISORDERS. 2019;61:45-54
Alla övriga publikationer
- Corrigendum: JOURNAL OF ANXIETY DISORDERS. 2019;64:90