Nathaniel Hidalgo

Nathaniel Hidalgo

Besöksadress: Norra Stationsgatan 69, plan 7, 11364 Stockholm
Postadress: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 CPF, 171 77 Stockholm

Om mig

  • Clinical psychologist, specialist in neuropsychology, PhD student at the
    Department of Clinical Neuroscience and the Centre for Psychiatry Research.
    M.Sc. in Clinical Psychology at Uppsala University in 2010.
    Specialist training, Neuropsychology 2012–2020 (The specialist training is
    based on the Swedish Psychological Association's specialist order, which
    regulates specialist areas and competence levels within the psychology


  • My PhD project intends to focus on two areas:
    1. Psychoeducational interventions for intellectually able adults with
    autism and their close relations. The intervention (Prisma) intends to be a
    highly accessible effort that includes all adults with an ASD diagnosis
    regardless of the broad variability and presence of comorbidities.
    2. The other and greater part of my PhD project aims to aid the precision
    medicine development in ASD by investigating putative neurochemical and
    behavioral stratification markers in a dimensional strategy using narrowly
    defined phenotype measurements rather than only the categorical ASD
    diagnosis. This is in line with Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) which
    highlights a framework of basic dimensions of functions for normal and
    abnormal behavior beyond the arbitrary diagnostic categories.
    Hidalgo, N., Sjöwall, D., Agius, H. et al. Psychoeducational group
    intervention for intellectually able adults with autism and their close
    relations (Prisma) – an open feasibility study. BMC Psychiatry 22, 556

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