mona Esbjörnsson

mona Esbjörnsson

Anknuten till Forskning | Docent
Mobiltelefon: 0707553412
Besöksadress: Alfred Nobels allé 8, 14152 Huddinge
Postadress: H5 Laboratoriemedicin, H5 Klin Fysiologi, 141 52 Huddinge

Om mig

  • Forskare och lärare vid Institutionen för laboratoriemedicin, avdelningen
    för Klinisk fysiologi, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset (HS).
    Biomedicinsk analytiker år 1980
    Disputerade år 2000
    Post Doc 2001-2005 (50%) vid Inst för Medicin, enheten för Reumatoligi KU,
    Docent i Fysiologi år 2011


  • 1. Jacobs I., Esbjörnsson M., Sylvén C., Holm I. & Jansson E. Sprint
    training effect on muscle myoglobin, enzymes, fibre type and blood lactate.
    Med Sci Sport Exerc, 19:368-374, 1987
    2. Dahlström M., Esbjörnsson M., Jansson E. & Kaijser L. Muscle fibre
    characteristics in female dancers during an active and an inactive period.
    Int J Sport Med, 8:84-87, 1987
    3. Jansson E., Esbjörnsson M., Holm I. & Jacobs I. Increase in the
    proportion of fast-twitch muscle fibres by sprint training in males. Acta
    Physiol Scand, 140:359-363, 1990.
    4. Eiken O., Sundberg C-J., Esbjörnsson M., Nygren A & Kaijser L. Effects of
    ischeamic training on force development and fibre-type composition in human
    skeletal muscle. Clin Physiol, 11:41-49, 1991
    5. Kaijser L., Sundberg C-J., Eiken O., Nygren A., Esbjörnsson M., Sylvén
    C., & Jansson E. Muscle oxidative capacity and work performance after
    training under local leg ischemia. J Appl Physiol, 69:785-787, 1990
    6. Hildebrandt I. L., Sylvén C., Esbjörnsson M., Hellström K. & Jansson E.
    Does chronic hypoxaemia induce transformations of fibre types? Acta Physiol
    Scand, 141:435-439, 1991
    *7. Esbjörnsson M., Sylvén C., Holm I. & Jansson E. Fast twitch fibres may
    predict anaerobic performance in both females and males. Int J Sport Med,
    14:257-263, 1993
    8. Esbjörnsson M., Y. Hellsten-Westing, P. Balsom, B. Sjödin & E. Jansson.
    Muscle fibre type changes with sprint training: Effect of training pattern.
    Acta Physiol Scand, 149: 245-246, 1993
    9. Esbjörnsson M., Sundberg C-J., Eiken O., Jansson E., Nygren A. & Kaijser
    L. Muscle fiber types and enzyme activities after training with local
    ischemia in man. Acta Physiol Scand, 148:233-241, 1993
    10. Clyne N., Esbjörnsson M., Jansson E., Jogestrand T., Lins L. & Pehrsson
    S. Effects of renal failure on skeletal muscle. Nephron, 63:395-399, 1993
    *11. Esbjörnsson Liljedahl M., Holm I., Sylvén C. & Jansson E. Different
    responses of the skeletal muscle following sprint training in males and
    females. Eur J Appl Physiol, 74:375-383, 1996
    12. Harridge S.D.R., Bottinelli R, Canepari M, Pellegrino M.A, Reggiani C,
    Esbjörnsson M & Saltin B. Whole-muscle and single-fibre contractile
    properties and myosin heavy chain isoforms in humans. Plügers Arch- Eur J
    Physiol, 432:913-920, 1996
    13. Dahlström M., Esbjörnsson Liljedahl M., Gierup M., Kaijser L. & Jansson
    E. High proportion of type I muscle fibres in tigh of young dancers. Acta
    Physiol Scand, 160:49-55, 1997
    14. Harridge S.D.R, Bottinelli R., Canepari M., Pellegrino M.A. Reggiani C.,
    Esbjörnsson M., Balsom P. D. & Saltin B. Sprint training, in vitro and in
    vivo muscle function and myosin heavy chain expression. J Appl Physiol,
    84:442-449, 1998
    *15. Esbjörnsson Liljedahl M., Sundberg C. J., Norman B. & Jansson E.
    Metabolic response in type I and II muscle fibers during a 30-s cycle sprint
    in men and females. J Appl Physiol, 87:1326-1332, 1999
    *16. Esbjörnsson Liljedahl M. & Jansson E. Sex difference in plasma ammonia
    but not in muscle inosine monophosphate accumulation following sprint
    exercise in humans. Eur J Appl Physiol, 79:404-408, 1999
    17. Nygren A. T, Sundberg C. J., Göranson H., Esbjörnsson Liljedahl M.,
    Janson E. & Kaijser L. Effects of ischaemic training on human skeletal muscle
    dimensions as measured by magnetic resonance imaging. Eur J Appl Physiol,
    82:137-141, 2000
    18. Cederholm T., Sylvén C., Esbjörnsson M. & Jansson E. Insulin treatment
    increases skeletal muscle fibre area in patients with diabetes mellitus type
    2. Clin Physiol, 20:354-359, 2000
    *19. Esbjörnsson-Liljedahl M., Bodin K. & Jansson E. Smaller muscle ATP
    reduction in women than in men by repeated bouts of sprint exercise. J Appl
    Physiol, 93:1075-1083, 2002
    20. Wiik A., Glenmark B., Ekman M., Esbjörnsson-Liljedahl M., Johansson O.,
    Bodin K., Enmark E. & Jansson E. Oestrogen receptor ß is expressed in adult
    human skeletal muscle both at the mRNA and protein level. Acta Physiol Scand,
    179:381-387, 2003
    21. Wiik A., Gustafsson T., Esbjörnsson M., Johansson O., Ekman M., Sundberg
    C.J., Jansson E. Expression of oestrogen receptor alpha and b is higher in
    skeletal muscle of highly endurance-trained than of moderately active men.
    Acta Physiol Scand, 184:105-112, 2005
    22. Wiik A., Ekman M., Morgan G., Johansson O., Jansson E. & Esbjörnsson M.
    Oestrogen receptor ß present in both skeletal muscle fibres and endothelia
    cells within human skeletal muscle tissue. Histochemistry and Cell Biology,
    124:161-5, 2005
    23. Esbjörnsson M., Bülow J., Norman B., Simonsen L., Nowak J., Rooyackers
    O., Kaijser L. & Jansson E. Adipose tissue extracts plasma ammonia after
    sprint exercise in women and men. J Appl Physiol, 101:1576-80, 2006
    24. Dastmalchi M., Alexanderson H., Loell I., Ståhlberg M., Borg K.,
    Lundberg I. E. & Esbjörnsson M. The Effect of Physical Training on the
    Proportion of Slow-Twitch Type I Muscle Fibers, a Novel Nonimmune-Mediated
    Mechanism for Muscle Impairment in Polymyositis or Dermatomyositis. Arthritis
    Care & Research, 57:1303-1310, 2007
    25. Barbasso Helmers S., Dastmalchi M., Alexanderson H., Nennesmo I.,
    Esbjörnsson M., Lindvall B. & Lundberg I. E. Limited effects of high-dose
    intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) treatment on molecular expression in muscle
    tissue of patients with inflammatory myopathies. Annals of the Rheumatic
    Diseases, Ann Rheum Dis, 66:1276-83, 2007
    26. Fischer H., Esbjornsson M., Sabina R. L., Stromberg A., Peyrard-Janvid M.
    & Norman B. AMP deaminase deficiency is associated with lower sprint cycling
    performance in healthy subjects. J Appl Physiol, 103:315-22, 2007
    27. Alexanderson H., Dastmalchi M., Esbjörnsson M., Stenström C. H. &
    Lundberg I. E. Benefits of intensive resistive exercise in patients with
    stable and inactive polymyositis or dermatomyositis. Arthritis Rheum,
    57:768-77, 2007
    28. Wiik A., Ekman M., Johansson O., Jansson E. & Esbjörnsson M. Expression
    of both oestrogen receptor alpha and beta protein in human skeletal muscle
    tissue. Histochem Cell Biol, 131: 181-9, 2009
    29. Norman B., Esbjörnsson M., Rundqvist H., Osterlund T., von Walden F. &
    Tesch P. A. Strength, power, fiber types and mRNA expression in trained men
    and women with different ACTN3 R577X genotypes. J Appl Physiol, 106:959-65,
    30. Esbjörnsson M., Norman B., Suchdev S., Viru M., Lindhgren A. & Jansson
    E. Greater growth hormone and insulin respons in women than in men during
    repeated bouts of sprint exercise. Acta Phys Scand, 197; 107-115, 2009
    31. Esbjörnsson M., Rooyackers O., Norman B., Rundqvist H. C., Nowak J.,
    Bülow J., Simonsen L. & Jansson E. Gender specific levels of plasma and
    muscle amino acids before and after repeated bouts of sprint exercise. Scand
    J Med Sci Sports. 22:399-409, 2012
    32. Nader G. A., Dastmalchi M., Alexanderson H., Grundtman C., Germapudi R.,
    Esbjörnsson M., Wang Z., Rönnelid J., Hoffman E. P., Nagaraju K. & Lundberg
    I. E. A longitudinal, integrated clinical, histological and mRNA profiling
    study of resistance exercise in myositis. Molmed, 16 (11-12); 455-46, 2010
    33. Loell I., Barbasso Helmers S., Dastmalchi M., Alexanderson H., Alemo
    Munters L., Nennesmo I., Lindroos E., Borg K., Lundberg I. E & Esbjörnsson
    M. Higher proportion of fatst-twitch (type II) muscle fibres in idiopatic
    inflammatory myopathies – evident in chronic but not in untreated newly
    diagnosed patients. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging, 31; 18-25, 2011
    34. Esbjörnsson M., Rundqvist HC., Mascher H., Österlund T., Rooyackers O.,
    Blomstrand E. & Jansson E. Sprint exercise enhances skeletal muscle p70S6k
    phosphorylation and more so in females than in males. Acta Physiol.
    205:411-22, 2012
    35. Rundqvist H. C., Lilja M. R., Rooyackers O., Odrzywol K, Murray J. T.,
    *Esbjörnsson M. and *Jansson E. Nutrient ingestion increased mtor signaling,
    but not hvps34 activity in human skeletal muscle after sprint exercise. *
    indicate equal contribution. Physiological Reports 2013
    36. Alemo Munters L, Dastmalchi M, Katz A, Esbjornsson M, Loell I, Hanna B,
    Liden M, Westerblad H, Lundberg I, Alexanderson H. Arthritis Res Ther. 2013
    Aug 13;15(4):R83. PMID:23941324
    37. Alemo Munters L, Dastmalchi M, Andgren V, Emilson C, Bergegård J,
    Regardt M, Johansson A, Tholander IO, Hanna B, Lidén M, Esbjörnsson M,
    Alexanderson H.Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2013 Jul 16. doi:
    10.1002/acr.22068. PMID:23861241
    38. Norman B., Esbjörnsson M., Rundqvist H., Österlund T., Sundberg C. J.,
    Lindholm M, Glenmark B., and Jansson E. ACTN3 genotype and modulation of
    skeletal muscle response to exercise in human subjects. J Appl Physiol
    116:1197-203, 2014
    39. Li Alemo Munters*, Ingela Loell*, Elena Ossipova*, Joan Raouf, Maryam
    Dastmalchi, Eva Lindroos, Yi-Wen Chen, Mona Esbjörnsson, Marina Korotkova, ,
    Helene Alexanderson, Kanneboyina Nagaraju, , Leslie Crofford, Per-Johan
    Jakobsson*, Ingrid E Lundberg*. *Shared first and last authors. Endurance
    Exercise Improves Molecular Pathways of Aerobic Metabolism in Patients with
    Myositis. Arthritis & Rheumatology. Submitted.


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  • Anknuten till Forskning, Laboratoriemedicin, Karolinska Institutet, 2023-2025

Examina och utbildning

  • Docent, fysiologi, Karolinska Institutet, 2011
  • MEDICINE DOKTORSEXAMEN, Fysiologi, INST F MED LABORATORIEVET & TEKNIK (H3), Karolinska Institutet, 2000

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