Milan Nemy
Anknuten till Forskning
Besöksadress: Blickagången 16 (byggnad NEO), 14183 Huddinge
Postadress: H1 Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, H1 Klinisk geriatrik Ferreira, 171 77 Stockholm
Om mig
- I am currently a post-doc researcher in the Ferreira group. I have a background in engineering with a degree in Cybernetics, robotics and biomedical engineering from the Czech Technical University (Prague, CZE). Next to my research in neuroimaging, I also enjoy teaching engineering courses, preparing creative teaching materials and writing textbooks.
*2011 – 2014: B.Sc. in Cybernetics and Robotics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague
*2014 – 2017: M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague
*2015 – 2018: B.Sc. in Specialization in Pedagogy, Masaryk Institute of Advanced Studies, Czech Technical University, Prague
*2017 – 2023: Ph.D. studies in Biocybernetics and Artificial Intelligence (research topic: Basal Forebrain, Cholinergic White Matter Pathways, and Cognition in Normal Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease, supervisors: prof. Olga Štěpánková, dr. Lenka Vysloužilová)
- The focus of my research lies in applying advanced machine learning methods to structural, diffusion, and functional head MRI data and extracting useful patterns of the underlying pathology. The main goal is to investigate diffusion MRI data and state-of-the-art processing techniques in the context of Alzheimer’s disease but also in healthy aging and link its parameters to well-established diagnostic markers (CSF biomarkers, brain atrophy, psychological profile, etc). I am particularly interested in the role of the human cholinergic system (basal forebrain and its radiations) in Alzheimer’s disease dementia, mild cognitive disorder, and subjective cognitive decline.
- *Undergraduate courses at CTU:*
BE5B33PRG Programming Essentials (Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
international program, English)
*Graduate courses at CTU:*
F7PMIARVD Analysis and Recognition of Multidimensional Data (Faculty of
Biomedical Engineering, Czech)
F7PMIUMIT Artificial Intelligence (Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Czech)
*Postgraduate courses at CTU:*
XP33PPD Practical Data Mining Problems (Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
- Article: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEURORADIOLOGY. 2025;46(1):121-128
- Article: BRAIN. 2023;146(5):2075-2088
- Article: NEUROLOGY. 2022;99(15):e1619-e1629
- Journal article: ALZHEIMERS & DEMENTIA. 2020;16(S5)
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