Martina Nord

Martina Nord

Anknuten till Forskning
Besöksadress: Widerströmska huset Tomtebodavägen 18 A, plan 3, 17165 Solna
Postadress: K9 Global folkhälsa, K9 GPH Ekström Kosidou, 171 77 Stockholm

Om mig

  • I am a clinical psychologist and PhD, I received my doctoral degree from the Department of Clinical Neuroscience at Karolinska Institutet in year 2020. I am currently a post doctoral researcher at Karolinska Institutet and Region Stockholm, with focus on sexual and mental health, and on designing and evaluating digtial interventions for sexual and mental health.


    During my doctoral studies I was the projectleader for two clinical trials, evalutating internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy (ICBT) for children and adolescents with social anxiety disorders.


    Link to my thesis:  Fear and missing out : internet-treatment for social anxiety disorder in youth


  • My research is mainly focused on the development and evalutation of ICBT for mental and sexual health. 


  • I currently teach at Karolinska Institutet Psychology program, and the doctoral course "Clinical research in child- and adolescent psyhiatry".


Alla övriga publikationer


  • Anknuten till Forskning, Global folkhälsa, Karolinska Institutet, 2024-2025

Examina och utbildning

  • Medicine Doktorsexamen, Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap, Karolinska Institutet, 2020

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