Markus Jansson-Fröjmark

Markus Jansson-Fröjmark

Besöksadress: Norra Stationsgatan 69, plan 7, 11364 Stockholm
Postadress: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 CPF KCP BAS/VU, 171 77 Stockholm

Om mig

  • I graduated from the psychologist program at Uppsala University in 2000 and
    then worked as a clinical psychologist at the Örebro University Hospital in
    Örebro until 2006. I received my clinical accreditation in 2001. In 2002, I
    began my PhD training in two research projects focusing on early cognitive
    behavioral therapy (CBT) for insomnia disorder and psychological risk factors
    for the development and maintenance of insomnia disorder. I received my
    doctoral degree in 2005. In 2007, I started a position as an associate
    lecturer at Örebro University, combining teaching at the psychologist
    program with research. During my time at Örebro University, I became a
    docent in clinical psychology. In 2011, I took up a position as senior
    lecturer at Stockholm University. In 2016, I moved to the Centre for
    Psychiatry Research at Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm City Council. To
    date, I am working as a researcher and lecturer with a
    main responsibility for a basic course in psychotherapeutic theory and
    Licensed clinical psychologist
    PhD in Clinical Psychology


  • My current research focuses mainly on CBT for insomnia disorder and risk
    factors and mechanisms in the development of chronic insomnia. I am also
    involved in research on other sleep disorders, autism, epilepsy, athletic
    performance, and psychometrics.
    For information about research projects and publications: [1]
  • hl=sv&
  • oi=ao [2]
    I am associate editor for the scientific journal Frontiers in Sleep
  • amp
  • hl=sv&
  • amp
  • oi=ao


  • At the Centre for Psychiatry Research at Karolinska Institutet, I am
    a course coordinator, examiner, and teacher at two basic courses on
    psychotherapeutic theory and methods. My teaching involves generic and
    CBT-specific skills, assessment, CBT theory, psychological treatments for
    depression, anxiety disorders, and insomnia disorder, and research methods.
    I also supervise six PhD students (Christina Bini, Martina Gumpert, Lis
    Johles, Johan Lundin, Daniel Rautio, Gustaf Reinebo) and a number of theses
    for MSc and BSc students.


Alla övriga publikationer



  • Lektor, Klinisk neurovetenskap, Karolinska Institutet, 2023-


  • Christina Bini, Assemment and treatment of insomnia in primary health care, 2021

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