Gabrielle Paulsson-Berne

Gabrielle Paulsson-Berne

Pedagogisk Utvecklare | Docent
Telefon: +46852483472
Mobiltelefon: +46702106762
Besöksadress: ,
Postadress: TL Undervisning och lärande, TL Högskoleförlagd pedagogik, 171 77 Stockholm


  • The focus in my research is to identify connections between inflammatory
    mediators and unstable atherosclerotic plaques. My projects have contributed
    in identifying several responses in the process where hypercholesterolemia
    elicits vascular inflammation in atherosclerosis. The set-up is to look for
    primary findings in our carotid plaque biobank (see below), and then verify
    and challenge the data by conducting studies in /in vitro/ studies or
    experimental mouse models.1-10
    In patients with severe atherosclerosis that are going through removal of
    carotid plaques we have identified a pathway linking innate immune response
    to improved outcome. Our recent finding show that expression of Pattern
    recognition receptor, Toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7), in the removed
    atherosclerotic tissue correlate to improved outcome for the patient.2 Our
    follow up study in a mouse model showed that treatment with synthetic TLR7
    ligand could reduce atherosclerosis and can lead to plaque healing.1 In the
    periphery TLR7 activation in hypercholesterolemic mice helped to expand
    specific lymphocyte populations, like Marginal Zone B cells and Treg. Taken
    together, our studies show that TLR7 may be a strong candidate in balancing
    inflammation and promoting healing in atherosclerosis.1, 2
    To be able to study mechanisms within atherosclerotic tissue on a molecular
    level the prospective study *BiKE*–*Bi*obank of *K*arolinska Carotid
    *E*ndarterectomies was started 2001 in collaboration with myself, Göran
    Hansson and professor Ulf Hedin and clinical colleagues on Vascular surgery
    on Karolinska Hospital. The BiKE biobank is central for my research projects
    and it has also become a resource in several important collaborations with
    groups outside the steering team 11-18.
    1. Karadimou G, Gisterå A, Gallina AL,
    Caravaca AS, Centa M, Salagianni M, Andreakos E, Hansson GK, Malin S,
    Olofsson PS and *Paulsson-Berne G.* Treatment with a Toll-like Receptor 7
    ligand evokes protective immunity against atherosclerosis in
    hypercholesterolaemic mice. /J Intern Med/. 2020;288:321-334.
    DOI: 10.1111/joim.13085 [1]
    2. Karadimou G, Folkersen L, Berg M,
    Perisic L, Discacciati A, Roy J, Hansson GK, Persson J and *Paulsson-Berne
    G.* Low TLR7 gene expression in atherosclerotic plaques is associated with
    major adverse cardio- and cerebrovascular events. /Cardiovasc Res/.
    2017;113:30-39. PMCID: PMC5220676 [2]
    3. Folkersen L, Persson J, Ekstrand J,
    Agardh HE, Hansson GK, Gabrielsen A, Hedin U and *Paulsson-Berne G.*
    Prediction of ischemic events on the basis of transcriptomic and genomic
    profiling in patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy. /Mol Med/.
    2012;18:669-75. PMCID: PMC3388132 [3]
    4. Persson J, Folkersen L, Ekstrand J,
    Helleberg J, Gabrielsen A, Lundman P, Hedin U and *Paulsson-Berne G.* High
    plasma adiponectin concentration is associated with all-cause mortality in
    patients with carotid atherosclerosis. /Atherosclerosis/. 2012;225:491-6.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2012.09.036 [4]
    5. Persson J, Lindberg K, Gustafsson TP,
    Eriksson P, *Paulsson-Berne G* and Lundman P. Low plasma adiponectin
    concentration is associated with myocardial infarction in young individuals.
    /J Intern Med/. 2010;268:194-205. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2796.2010.02247.x [5]
    6. Agardh HE, Folkersen L, Ekstrand J,
    Marcus D, Swedenborg J, Hedin U, Gabrielsen A and *Paulsson-Berne G*.
    Expression of fatty acid–binding protein 4/aP2 is correlated with plaque
    instability in carotid atherosclerosis. /Journal of Internal Medicine/.
    2011;269:200-210. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2796.2010.02304.x [6]
    7. Folkersen L, Kurtovic S, Razuvaev A,
    Agardh HE, Gabrielsen A and *Paulsson-Berne G*. Endogenous control genes in
    complex vascular tissue samples. /BMC Genomics/. 2009;10:516.
    PMCID: PMC2779820 [7]
    8. Tupin E, Nicoletti A, Elhage R,
    Rudling M, Ljunggren HG, Hansson GK and *Paulsson Berne G.* CD1d-dependent
    activation of NKT cells aggravates atherosclerosis. /J Exp Med/.
    2004;199:417-22. PMCID: PMC2211791 [8]
    9. Nicoletti A, *Paulsson G, * Caligiuri
    G, Zhou X and Hansson GK. Induction of neonatal tolerance to oxidized
    lipoprotein reduces atherosclerosis in ApoE knockout mice. /Mol Med/.
    2000;6:283-90. PMCID: PMC1949951 [9]
    10. *Paulsson G, * Zhou X, Tornquist E and
    Hansson GK. Oligoclonal T cell expansions in atherosclerotic lesions of
    apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. /Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol/.
    2000;20:10-7. DOI: 10.1161/01.atv.20.1.10 [10]
    11. Tomas L, Edsfeldt A, Mollet IG, Perisic
    Matic L, Prehn C, Adamski J, *Paulsson-Berne G*, Hedin U, Nilsson J,
    Bengtsson E, Goncalves I and Bjorkbacka H. Altered metabolism distinguishes
    high-risk from stable carotid atherosclerotic plaques. /Eur Heart J/.
    2018;39:2301-2310. PMCID: PMC6012762 [11]
    12. van der Laan SW, Siemelink MA, Haitjema
    S, Foroughi Asl H, Perisic L, Mokry M, van Setten J, Malik R, Dichgans M,
    Worrall BB, Consortium MCotISG, Samani NJ, Schunkert H, Erdmann J, Hedin U,
    *Paulsson-Berne G*, Bjorkegrenn JLM, de Borst GJ, Asselbergs FW, den Ruijter
    FW, de Bakker PIW and Pasterkamp G. Genetic Susceptibility Loci for
    Cardiovascular Disease and Their Impact on Atherosclerotic Plaques. /Circ
    Genom Precis Med/. 2018;11:e002115. PMCID: PMC7664607 [12]
    13. Joly AL, Seitz C, Liu S, Kuznetsov NV,
    Gertow K, Westerberg LS, *Paulsson-Berne G*, Hansson GK and Andersson J.
    Alternative Splicing of FOXP3 Controls Regulatory T Cell Effector Functions
    and Is Associated With Human Atherosclerotic Plaque Stability. /Circ Res/.
    2018;122:1385-1394. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.117.312340 [13]
    14. Laguna-Fernandez A, Checa A, Carracedo M,
    Artiach G, Petri MH, Baumgartner R, Forteza MJ, Jiang X, Andonova T, Walker
    ME, Dalli J, Arnardottir H, Gistera A, Thul S, Wheelock CE, *Paulsson-Berne
    G*, Ketelhuth DFJ, Hansson GK and Back M. ERV1/ChemR23 Signaling Protects
    Against Atherosclerosis by Modifying Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein Uptake
    and Phagocytosis in Macrophages. /Circulation/. 2018;138:1693-1705.
    PMCID: PMC6200387 [14]
    15. Seijkens TTP, Poels K, Meiler S, van Tiel
    CM, Kusters PJH, Reiche M, Atzler D, Winkels H, Tjwa M, Poelman H, Slutter B,
    Kuiper J, Gijbels M, Kuivenhoven JA, Matic LP, *Paulsson-Berne G*, Hedin U,
    Hansson GK, Nicolaes GAF, Daemen M, Weber C, Gerdes N, de Winther MPJ and
    Lutgens E. Deficiency of the T cell regulator Casitas B-cell lymphoma-B
    aggravates atherosclerosis by inducing CD8+ T cell-mediated macrophage death.
    /Eur Heart J/. 2019;40:372-382. PMCID: PMC6340101 [15]
    16. Matic LP, Jesus Iglesias M, Vesterlund M,
    Lengquist M, Hong MG, Saieed S, Sanchez-Rivera L, Berg M, Razuvaev A,
    Kronqvist M, Lund K, Caidahl K, Gillgren P, Ponten F, Uhlen M, Schwenk JM,
    Hansson GK, *Paulsson-Berne G*, Fagman E, Roy J, Hultgren R, Bergstrom G,
    Lehtio J, Odeberg J and Hedin U. Novel Multiomics Profiling of Human Carotid
    Atherosclerotic Plaques and Plasma Reveals Biliverdin Reductase B as a Marker
    of Intraplaque Hemorrhage. /JACC Basic Transl Sci/. 2018;3:464-480.
    PMCID: PMC6115646 [16]
    17. Eken SM, Jin H, Chernogubova E, Li Y,
    Simon N, Sun C, Korzunowicz G, Busch A, Backlund A, Osterholm C, Razuvaev A,
    Renne T, Eckstein HH, Pelisek J, Eriksson P, Gonzalez Diez M, Perisic Matic
    L, Schellinger IN, Raaz U, Leeper NJ, Hansson GK, *Paulsson-Berne G*, Hedin U
    and Maegdefessel L. MicroRNA-210 Enhances Fibrous Cap Stability in Advanced
    Atherosclerotic Lesions. /Circ Res/. 2017;120:633-644.
    DOI: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.116.309318 [17]
    18. Perisic L, Aldi S, Sun Y, Folkersen L,
    Razuvaev A, Roy J, Lengquist M, Åkesson S, Wheelock CE, Maegdefessel L,
    Gabrielsen A, Odeberg J, Hansson GK, *Paulsson-Berne G* and Hedin U. Gene
    expression signatures, pathways and networks in carotid atherosclerosis.
    /Journal of Internal Medicine/. 2016;279:293-308. DOI: 10.1111/joim.12448


Alla övriga publikationer


  • Pedagogisk Utvecklare, Undervisning och lärande, Karolinska Institutet, 2021-

Examina och utbildning

  • Docent, Experimentell medicin, Karolinska Institutet, 2003

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