Cancer Research KI Retreat

The annual Cancer Research KI (previously KICancer-StratCan) retreat brings together Cancer researchers at Karolinska Institutet and University Hospital to present and discuss current research and to encourage collaboration. The retreat is traditionally held mid-September at Djurönäset in the Stockholm archipelago.

Cancer Research KI retreat 2022

The XIXth Cancer Research KI retreat will be arranged May 23-24 2022 at Djurönäset in the Stockholm archipelago, gathering Cancer Researchers from Karolinska Institutet and University Hospital for an annual joint scientific meeting. More information about the retreat in 2022 can be found through this link.

KICancer-StratCan retreat 2019

The XVIIIth KICancer-StratCan retreat was held 16-17 September 2019 at Djurönäset. Please find information about the retreat through this link.

KICancer-StratCan retreat 2018

The XVIIth KICancer-StratCan retreat was held September 24-25, 2018 at Djurönäset. The popular annual retreat was fully booked early on with 260 participants. Invited international Keynote Speakers included Lex Eggermont (Institut Gustave Roussy, France), Pierre Hainaut (University of Grenoble, France) and Xin Lu (University of Oxford, UK).

KICancer-StratCan retreat 2017

The XVIth KICancer-StratCan retreat was held September 25-26, 2017 at Djurönäset. The retreat had 250 participants and was held back-to-back with a KI-MD Anderson workshop on September 24th at Djurönäset. Invited international speakers Seishi Ogawa (Kyoto University) and from MD Anderson: Ron De Pinho, Katy Rezvani, Gordon Mills, Michael Davies & Spencer Wei (Allison lab).

StratCan retreats 2010-14

StratCan arranged regular retreats 2010-14 to promote interaction and discussion among the scientists as well as to present research and infrastructure supported by StratCan. From 2016 the previously StratCan supported KICancer retreat has become a joint annual KICancer-StratCan retreat.

StratCan Retreat 2014

The StratCan retreat 2014 was held January 15-16 at Sånga-Säby, Ekerö. Around 100 participants took part in the retreat to discuss science and to hear about StratCan funded research projects and initiatives. The retreat ended with a meeting for the Faculty Board members.

StratCan Retreat 2011

The first StratCan retreat was held November 10-11, 2011 at Skogshem & Wijk, Lidingö. The two other national Strategic Research Programs in Cancer, U-CAN and BioCare, were invited to the retreat and this lay ground for the joint Swedish Cancer Research Meetings.

StratCan Kick-Off 2010

The StratCan Kick-Off meeting was held November 2-3, 2010 at Häringe Slott near Stockholm.

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