XVI KICancer-StratCan retreat

The traditional KICancer retreat at Djurönäset will be held for the 16th time September 25-26, 2017, but now for the first time as a joint event between KICancer and StratCan as the two are joining forces to become StratCan-KICancer.


The retreat is open for all KI students, post-docs, and supervisors with an interest in cancer research and in the StratCan-KICancer program, its current and future activities.

The program will include keynote lectures and presentations of exciting re­search projects in cancer biology, clinical cancer research, cancer care research and cancer epidemiology, poster sessions etc.

Confirmed keynote speakers are:

  • Dr. James P. Allison, Department Chair, Department of Immunology, Division of Basic Science Research, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
  • Dr. Michael A. Davies, Associate Professor, Department of Melanoma Medical Oncology, Division of Cancer Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
  • Dr. Ronald A. DePinho, Professor, Department of Cancer Biology, Division of Basic Science Research, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX.
  • Dr. Stephan Mielke, Professor of Haematology and Cell Therapy at the Department of Laboratory Medicine and the Department of Medicine, Huddinge, Karolinska Insitutet & Team Leader Cancer Karolinska University Hospital.

Registration and abstract submission

The deadline for both registration and abstract submission is July 5th 2017 (or before if the retreat fills up). Everyone is encouraged to present a poster or to apply for a slot for a short talk (10 minutes) by submitting an abstract before this deadline. Please also note that the retreat tends to fill up quickly, so don't wait until last minute with your registration.

A registration fee of 800 SEK will be charged to cover part of the costs for housing (students have to share a room) and meals including also bus transport from the Cityterminal to Djurönäset and back. The remaining costs are subsidized by the PhD program FoTO and StratCan.

Posters: Size 80 x150 cm portrait.


Professor, senior

Ingemar Ernberg

Enhet:Ingemar Ernberg grupp




Sandra Falck



Content reviewer: