XVIIth KICancer-StratCan Retreat

The XVIIth KICancer-StratCan Retreat takes place September 24-25, 2018 at Djurönäset in the Stockholm archipelago, gathering Cancer Researchers from Karolinska Institutet and University Hospital for an annual joint scientific meeting.


The retreat is open for all KI students, post-docs, and supervisors with an interest in cancer research and in the StratCan-KICancer program, its current and future activities.

The program will include keynote lectures and presentations of exciting re­search projects in cancer biology, clinical cancer research, cancer care research and cancer epidemiology, poster sessions, etc.


Confirmed keynote speakers include Lex Eggermont (Institut Gustave Roussy, France), Pierre Hainaut (University of Grenoble, France), and Xin Lu (University of Oxford, UK).

Printable program (pdf)

General program outline

Monday Sept 24

08:30Departure by bus from the City Terminal, Klarabergs-viadukten, Stockholm

09:30Arrival conference center Djurönäset, Coffee & tea

09:50Welcome remarks

10:00–12:30Scientific presentations, Plenary 1
Keynote talk by Lex Eggermont, Insitute Gustave Roussy, Paris , France

12:30–12:40Photo session


13:45–15:10Scientific presentations, Plenary 2
Keynote talk by Xin Lu, Ludwig Inst. for Cancer Research, University of Oxford, UK

15:10–15:40Coffee break, distribution of room keys

15:40–16:30Scientific presentations, Plenary 3

16:35–17:50Breakout sessions I-V


19:30–20:00Mounting of posters

20:00–22:00Poster session with discussions & mingle

21:00Saunas and pool are available

Tuesday Sept 25

07:15–08:45Breakfast & Checking out

09:00–10:15Scientific presentations, Plenary 4

10:20–10:50Coffee break

10:50–11:30Scientific presentations, Plenary 5


12:30–14:00Scientific presentations, Plenary 6
Keynote talk by Pierre Hainaut, University of Grenoble, France

14:00–14:30Coffee break

14:30–15:40Scientific presentations

15:40Conclusions & Poster prizes

16:00Bus departure (arrival at Stockholm City Terminal approx. at 17)


Registration is closed (June 15th) and the retreat is fully booked with 260 registered participants.

A registration fee of 800 SEK will be charged to cover part of costs for housing (students have to share room) and meals, also including bus transport from the Cityterminal to Djurönäset and back. The remaining costs are subsidized by the PhD program FoTO and StratCan.

Abstract submission

Abstracts are submitted using this abstract template. Kindly submit your abstract by email to elena.kashuba@ki.se (deadline June 15).

Everyone is encouraged to present a poster or to apply for a slot for a short talk (10 minutes) by submitting an abstract before this deadline.

Organisers & contact

Scientific committee for the KICancer-StratCan retreats: Andreas Lundqvist, Arne Östman, Kamila Czene, Sonia Lain and Theodoros Foukakis.

Retreat 2018 support committee: Kristina Viktorsson, Elena Kashuba, Varsha Prakash, Gayathri Chandrasekar Janebjer, Katja Pokrovskaja, Barbro Ehlin-Henriksson and Johanna Wolfsberger with Sandra Falck as admin coordinator.



Sandra Falck



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