XVIIIth KICancer-StratCan Retreat

The XVIIIth KICancer-StratCan Retreat takes place September 16-17, 2019 at Djurönäset in the Stockholm archipelago, gathering Cancer Researchers from Karolinska Institutet and University Hospital for an annual joint scientific meeting.

KICancer StratCan retreat 2019 at Djurönäset


The retreat is open for all KI students, post-docs and supervisors with an interest in cancer research and in the StratCan-KICancer program, its current and future activities.

The program will include invited international key note lectures and presentations of exciting re­search projects in cancer biology, clinical cancer research, cancer care research and cancer epidemiology. Many short talks are selected from abstracts - be sure to submit yours on time! There will also be breakout-sessions (one on AI with Johan Lundin & others, one Meet-the-editor and three scientific break-outs with talks selected from abstracts) as well as the traditional very lively poster session (with poster prizes!).


Keynote speakers include Nick Turner (ICR, London, UK), Matthew G. Vander Heiden (Koch Institute for Cancer Research at MIT, Massachusetts, USA) and Marisol Soengas (Spanish National Cancer Centre - CNIO, Madrid, Spain.

Short invited talks include, Johan Lundin (KI PHS), Johanna Ungerstedt (KI MedH HERM), Lars E Eriksson (KI LIME), Mattias Carlsten (KI MedH), Magnus Nilsson (KI CLINTEC), Per Hall (KI MEB), Päivi Östling (KI OnkPat & SciLifeLab), Simon Ekman (KI OnkPat), Seishi Ogawa (KI MedH & Kyoto University), Sir David Lane (KI MTC & University of Oxford), Linda Lindström (KI BioNut) and Lisa Westerberg (KI MTC).

Many plenary and break-out session talks will be selected from submitted abstracts. A break-out session on the topic of artificial intelligence will include talks by, Carlos Fernandez Moro (KI LABMED), Nina Linder (Institutet för molekylärmedicin i Finland, Helsingfors), Emilie Berglund (KTH SciLifeLab), Jan Komorowski (University of Uppsala). In addition there is a lively poster session in the evening of September 16.

Program at glance

The 18th KICancer & StratCan Retreat September 16-17 2019

Monday, September 16


08.30                   Departure by bus from the City Terminal, Klarabergs-viadukten, Stockholm

09.30                   Arrival conference center Djurönäset, Coffee & tea

09.50                   Welcome remarks

10.00 – 12.10      Scientific presentations, incl. keynote speaker Nicholas Turner, The Institute of Cancer research, London UK

12.10 – 12.20      Photo session

12.20 – 13.15      LUNCH

13.15 –14.50       Scientific presentations, incl. keynote speaker Matthew G. Vander Heiden, Koch Institute for Cancer Research at MIT, Massachusetts


15.20 – 16.10      Scientific presentations

16.35 – 17.50      Break out sessions I-V

18.15                   DINNER

19.30 – 20.00      Mounting of posters

20.00 – 22.00      Poster session with discussions & mingle

21.00                   Saunas and pool are available


Tuesday, September 17

07.30 – 08.45      BREAKFAST & CHECKING OUT

09.00 – 10.20      Scientific presentations, incl. keynote speaker Marisol Soengas, CNIO – Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas, Madrid, Spain

10.20 – 10.50      COFFEE

10.50 – 11.50      Scientific presentations

11.50 – 12.50      LUNCH

12.50 – 14.00      Scientific presentations

14.00 – 14.30      COFFEE

14.30 – 15.25      Scientific presentations

15.25                   Poster prices & Closing of the Meeting


16.00                   Bus departure. Arrival Stockholm City Terminal appr 17


Registration has been closed. Academic Conferences handle registration for the XVIIIth KICancer-StratCan Retreat and all questions regarding registration and payment should be emailed to stratcanretreat2019@akademikonferens.se

A registration fee of 800 SEK (excl. VAT) will be charged to cover part of costs for housing (students have to share room) and meals, also including bus transport from the Cityterminal to Djurönäset and back. The remaining costs are sub-sidized by the PhD-program FoTO and Cancer Research KI.

Abstract submission

ABSTRACT SUBMISSION SEPARATELY BY EMAIL using this abstract template. Kindly submit your abstract by email to elena.kashuba@ki.se (same deadline as for registration, June 3).

Everyone is encouraged to present a poster or to apply for a slot for a short talk (10 minutes) by submitting an abstract before this deadline!

Cancellation or change of name

Cancellation of registration will be accepted until 12 August, 2019. We accept no refunds or reductions of fees for cancellations made from 13 August, 2019, nor for no-shows for any reasons.

Should you be unable to attend, you will be given the opportunity to send a colleague in your place for an administrative fee of 250 SEK.

Profile image

Nick Tobin

Lecturer;Principal Researcher

Johanna Furuhjelm

Research coordinator Cancer research KI
Content reviewer: