The Developmental Tissue Bank Core Facility – user guidelines
To get access to tissue from the Developmental Tissue Bank core facility, we will need to set up a meeting to discuss what you need.
Access to tissue
Contact us by sending an e-mail to, describing what you are interested in, with a one-page description of the project.
We will set up a meeting to discuss what you need and what we can retrieve and collect at various developmental stages. For some tissues and organs we may first have to do tissue-sectioning and an histological analysis to determine what is possible to dissect and at what stages. Sectioning and staining can either be done by the user or by the core facility for an extra fee.
When human prenatal material is used for research, ethical permits as well as permits from the National Board of Health and Welfare (“Socialstyrelsen”) and SMB are required. We will assist you in writing these applications, and guide all users through the required procedures.

The standard fee is 13,000 SEK per six months, for which you will get tissue samples from at least eight embryos-fetuses.
If you need fewer samples, we apply reduced fees which depends on your needs.
Initial support with ethical permits are free.
Extra fees according to separate agreement apply to photo documentation, preparation of tissue for single cell genomics/transcriptomics, or dissection for clinical applications in the Vecura facility, Karolinska-Huddinge.