RCF Radiopharmacy Core Facility

RCF is a combined core facility of Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet. The main purpose of RCF is to facilitate and promote the use and development of radiotracers in translational research, from preclinical to clinical applications within different areas. The development of novel radiotracers at RCF can be broadly applied for imaging research, for example in oncology, psychiatry, neurodegeneration, inflammation and cardiovascular diseases.

Photo: Thuy Tran
Photo: Thuy Tran
Logotypes KI and SLL Photo: None

More about us at RCF

A combined core facility, RCF, by KI and Region Stockholm is essential for the supply of existing and development of novel PET tracers for preclinical and clinical PET studies within all applications for both academia and for pharmaceutical industry sponsored studies.