Publications 2021

A list of LCI related publications from 2021.

Critical Role of Lama4 for Hematopoiesis Regeneration and Acute Myeloid Leukemia Progression.
Cai H, Kondo M, Sandhow L, Xiao P, Johansson AS, Sasaki T, Zawacka-Pankau J, Tryggvason K, Ungerstedt JS, Walfridsson J, Ekblom M, Qian H
Blood 2021 Dec;():

Mucosal-associated invariant T-cell tumor infiltration predicts long-term survival in cholangiocarcinoma.
Zimmer CL, Filipovic I, Cornillet M, O'Rourke CJ, Berglin L, Jansson H, Sun D, Strauss O, Hertwig L, Johansson H, von Seth E, Sparrelid E, Dias J, Glaumann H, Melum E, Ellis EC, Sandberg JK, Andersen JB, Bergquist A, Björkström NK
Hepatology 2021 Oct;():

An unsupervised method for physical cell interaction profiling of complex tissues.
Andrews N, Serviss JT, Geyer N, Andersson AB, Dzwonkowska E, Šutevski I, Heijboer R, Baryawno N, Gerling M, Enge M
Nat Methods 2021 08;18(8):912-920

3D Adipose Tissue Culture Links the Organotypic Microenvironment to Improved Adipogenesis.
Shen JX, Couchet M, Dufau J, de Castro Barbosa T, Ulbrich MH, Helmstädter M, Kemas AM, Zandi Shafagh R, Marques MA, Hansen JB, Mejhert N, Langin D, Rydén M, Lauschke VM
Adv Sci (Weinh) 2021 08;8(16):e2100106

Thioredoxin-80 protects against amyloid-beta pathology through autophagic-lysosomal pathway regulation.
Gerenu G, Persson T, Goikolea J, Calvo-Garrido J, Loera-Valencia R, Pottmeier P, Santiago C, Poska H, Presto J, Cedazo-Minguez A
Mol Psychiatry 2021 04;26(4):1410-1423

Hypercholesterolemia and 27-Hydroxycholesterol Increase S100A8 and RAGE Expression in the Brain: a Link Between Cholesterol, Alarmins, and Neurodegeneration.
Loera-Valencia R, Ismail MA, Goikolea J, Lodeiro M, Mateos L, Björkhem I, Puerta E, Romão MA, Gomes CM, Merino-Serrais P, Maioli S, Cedazo-Minguez A
Mol Neurobiol 2021 Dec;58(12):6063-6076

A Super-Resolved View of the Alzheimer's Disease-Related Amyloidogenic Pathway in Hippocampal Neurons.
Yu Y, Gao Y, Winblad B, Tjernberg LO, Schedin-Weiss S
J Alzheimers Dis 2021 ;83(2):833-852

Human MAIT cells endowed with HBV specificity are cytotoxic and migrate towards HBV-HCC while retaining antimicrobial functions.
Healy K, Pavesi A, Parrot T, Sobkowiak MJ, Reinsbach SE, Davanian H, Tan AT, Aleman S, Sandberg JK, Bertoletti A, Sällberg Chen M
JHEP Rep 2021 Aug;3(4):100318

Laminin alpha 5 regulates mammary gland remodeling through luminal cell differentiation and Wnt4-mediated epithelial crosstalk.
Englund JI, Ritchie A, Blaas L, Cojoc H, Pentinmikko N, Döhla J, Iqbal S, Patarroyo M, Katajisto P
Development 2021 06;148(12):

Live Cell FRET Imaging Reveals Amyloid β-Peptide Oligomerization in Hippocampal Neurons.
Gao Y, Wennmalm S, Winblad B, Schedin-Weiss S, Tjernberg LO
Int J Mol Sci 2021 Apr;22(9):

High levels of 27-hydroxycholesterol results in synaptic plasticity alterations in the hippocampus.
Loera-Valencia R, Vazquez-Juarez E, Muñoz A, Gerenu G, Gómez-Galán M, Lindskog M, DeFelipe J, Cedazo-Minguez A, Merino-Serrais P
Sci Rep 2021 02;11(1):3736

A small-molecule ICMT inhibitor delays senescence of Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome cells.
Chen X, Yao H, Kashif M, Revêchon G, Eriksson M, Hu J, Wang T, Liu Y, Tüksammel E, Strömblad S, Ahearn IM, Philips MR, Wiel C, Ibrahim MX, Bergo MO
Elife 2021 02;10():

Lipophilic Peptide Dendrimers for Delivery of Splice-Switching Oligonucleotides.
Daralnakhla H, Saher O, Zamolo S, Bazaz S, P Bost J, Heitz M, Lundin KE, El Andaloussi S, Darbre T, Reymond JL, Zain R, Smith CIE
Pharmaceutics 2021 Jan;13(1):

Motor Function Deficits in the Estrogen Receptor Beta Knockout Mouse: Role on Excitatory Neurotransmission and Myelination in the Motor Cortex.
Varshney MK, Yu NY, Katayama S, Li X, Liu T, Wu WF, Töhönen V, Krjutškov K, Kere J, Fan X, Inzunza J, Gustafsson JÅ, Nalvarte I
Neuroendocrinology 2021 ;111(1-2):27-44

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