The Smart City Active Mobile Phone Intervention aimed to increase active transportation and thereby promote daily physical activity in adults.

What is SCAMPI?

Physical inactivity is a major public health problem today, and one way to increase your daily physical activity is by instead of taking the car or bus use walking or cycling for transportation (i.e. active transportation). In the mHealth study SCAMPI (The Smart City Active Mobile Phone Intervention) we want to evaluate whether a mobile phone app can motivate more active transportation in adults. Recruitment was initiated in Sep 2017 with a goal of 250participants and finalized in October 2018 (n=254). All participants got access to the SCAMPI app for 6 months, through which their way of transport was continuously recorded. During 12 weeks, the intervention group also got messages through the app, containing support and tips for a more active transport in their daily life, whereas the control group used the app without getting any messages. Participants in the intervention group  also set personal goals and got feedback based on these goals, whereas the control group could not – they could only see their monitored activity and summaries of the data. Other assessments included baseline measurements using a web-based questionnaire and objective measurement of physical activity levels using accelerometers. These assessments were repeated 3 and 6 months after baseline. The aim with the SCAMPI intervention is to increase daily physical activity levels in adults through active transportation, and also to evaluate what factors influence their level of physical activity.


1. Ek A, Alexandrou C, Delisle Nyström C, Direito A, Eriksson U, Hammar U, Henriksson P, Maddison R, Trolle Lagerros Y, Löf M. The Smart City Active Mobile Phone Intervention (SCAMPI) study to promote physical activity through active transportation in healthy adults: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMC Public Health. 2018 Jul 16;18(1):880.

2. Ek A, Alexandrou C, Söderström E, Bergman P, Delisle Nyström C, Direito A, Eriksson U, Henriksson P, Maddison R, Trolle Lagerros Y, Bendtsen M, Löf M. Effectiveness of a 3-Month Mobile Phone-Based Behaviour Change Program on Active Transportation and Physical Activity in Adults: Randomised Controlled Trial. JMIR mHealth uHealth. 2020 Jun 8;8(6):e18531.

3. Lindqvist AK, Rutberg S, Söderström E, Ek A, Alexandrou C, Maddison R, Löf M. User Perception of a Smartphone App to Promote Physical Activity Through Active Transportation: Inductive Qualitative Content Analysis Within the Smart City Active Mobile Phone Intervention (SCAMPI) Study. JMIR mHealth uHealth. 2020 Aug 5;8(8):e19380.
