BFC - equipment
The Flow Cytometers and Cell Sorters are maintained and managed by the staff of the BFC Core Facility. We provide training and assistance to users who wish to use any of the equipment listed on this page.

Sony ID7000™ Spectral Analyzers (Alice and Howard)
In contrast to traditional cytometers that rely on filter sets with predefined wavelength ranges to identify single fluorochromes in specific detectors, the full spectral analyzer on the Sony ID7000 instrument has a distinctive ability to measure the complete emission spectra of fluorescent dyes, excited by the multiple lasers present on the instrument. This innovative technology provides superior spectral resolution and flexibility, enabling researchers to identify and analyze a broader range of fluorochromes with greater accuracy and sensitivity.
Expanding the capabilities of cell analysis, the ID7000C is equipped with 5 lasers and 147 detectors. The system enables researchers to perform experiments using larger panels, limited only by the fluorochromes available. Laser choices range from ultraviolet (355 nm) to red (637 nm).
- KI users: 650 SEK/hr for self use ; 1080 SEK/h for assisted use
- Other academic institutions: 670 SEK/hr for self use ; 1120 SEK/h for assisted use
- Commercial users: 1060 SEK/hr for self use ; 1760 SEK/h for assisted use

BD FACSCanto™ II Analyzer
The BD FACSCanto™ II is an analytic flow cytometer including up to 8-color analysis and automated data acquisition.
Its functions are controlled by BD FACSDiva™ software also enables easy setup and data analysis, making it an efficient and user-friendly instrument for both novice and experienced users. The BD FACSCanto II system consists of a flow cytometer, a self-contained fluidics cart, the BD FACSCanto II workstation and an automated sample loader (BD High Throughput Sampler (HTS) option is available to increase your lab productivity by acquiring samples from a 96- or 384-well microtiter tray).
- KI users: 540 SEK/hr for self use ; 970 SEK/h for assisted use
- Other academic institutions: 550 SEK/hr for self use ; 1000 SEK/h for assisted use
- Commercial users: 880 SEK/hr for self use ; 1580 SEK/h for assisted use
Configuration and user guide
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The BD® LSR II SORP Flow Cytometer is an analytic flow cytometer equipped with four-laser benchtop flow cytometer with the ability to acquire up to 18 colors. Its functions are controlled by BD FACSDiva™ software also enables easy setup and data analysis, making it an efficient and user-friendly instrument for both novice and experienced users.
Currently, LSR can be used only with Violet, Blue and Red laser.
- KI users: 650 SEK/hr for self use /1080 SEK/h for assisted use
- Other academic institutions: 670 SEK/hr for self use ; 1120 SEK/h for assisted use
- Commercial users: 1060 SEK/hr for self use ; 1760 SEK/h for assisted use
User guide
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BD FACSVerse™ Analyzer
The BD FACSVerse™ flow cytometer is equipped with 3 lasers with emissions at 405, 488 and 640nm wavelengths, as well as 10 detectors that enable the measurement of 8 colours and FSC.
The BD FACSVerse™ is the only analyzer in Biomedicum that enables the safe processing of BSL3 samples, since it´s located in the BSL3 Biomedicum Core Facility. Its BSL3 compatibility ensures that samples from high-containment environments can be safely and efficiently analyzed.
- KI users: 540 SEK/hr for self use ; 970 SEK/h for assisted use
- Other academic institutions: 550 SEK/hr for self use ; 1000 SEK/h for assisted use
- Commercial users: 880 SEK/hr for self use ; 1580 SEK/h for assisted use
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FACSAria™ Fusion "Sansa" Sorter
The FACS Aria Fusion "Sansa" Cell Sorter available at our facility is equipped with five high-powered lasers with emissions at 355*, 405, 488, 561, and 633* nm wavelengths (*mutually exclusive), as well as 20 detectors that enable the measurement of up to 18 colours simultaneously. The Red and UV lasers are mutually exclusive, meaning that there are two possible configurations to choose (UV-Violet-Blue-YellowGreen or Violet-Blue-YellowGreen-Red). Moreover, it is housed in a Class II biosafety cabinet, which enables the safe processing of BSL2 samples. This cell sorter is capable of performing index sorting, which is a valuable tool for establishing correlations between phenotype and gene expression of sorted cells. The instrument is managed by our facility's trained staff and also available for use by trained researchers. This arrangement ensures researchers have complete flexibility and access to out-of-hours sorts.
- KI users: 770 SEK/hr for self use ; 1200 SEK/h for assisted use
- Other academic institutions: 800 SEK/hr for self use ; 1250 SEK/h for assisted use
- Commercial users: 1260 SEK/hr for self use / 1960 SEK/h for assisted use
Book instrument in iLab

BD FACSAria™ Fusion "Jon" Sorter
The FACS Aria Fusion "Jon" Cell Sorter available at our facility is equipped with four high-powered lasers with emissions at 405, 488, 561, and 640nm wavelengths, as well as 20 detectors that enable the measurement of up to 18 colors simultaneously. Moreover, it is housed in a Class II biosafety cabinet, which enables the safe processing of BSL2 samples. This cell sorter is capable of performing index sorting, which is a valuable tool for establishing correlations between phenotype and gene expression of sorted cells. The instrument is managed by our facility's trained staff and also available for use by trained researchers. This arrangement ensures researchers have complete flexibility and access to out-of-hours sorts.
- KI users: 770 SEK/hr for self use ; 1200 SEK/h for assisted use
- Other academic institutions: 800 SEK/hr for self use ; 1250 SEK/h for assisted use
- Commercial users: 1260 SEK/hr for self use / 1960 SEK/h for assisted use
Book instrument in iLab

CytoFLEX SRT Sorter
The CytoFLEX SRT Cell Sorter is equipped with four high-powered lasers with emissions at 405, 488, 561, and 638nm wavelengths, as well as 17 detectors that enable the measurement of up to 14 colors simultaneously. There is an extra SSC detector from the violet laser resulting in higher sensitivity for small particles such as extracellular vesicles (EVs).
Moreover, it is housed in a Class II biosafety cabinet, which enables the safe processing of BSL2 samples. This cell sorter can perform index sorting, which is a valuable tool for establishing correlations between phenotype and gene expression of sorted cells. The instrument is managed by our facility's trained staff and available for trained researchers. CytoFLEX SRT has user-friendly software and is a highly automated sorter, which will help users to quickly become independent with the system. This arrangement ensures researchers have complete flexibility and access to out-of-hours sorts.
- KI users: 770 SEK/hr for self use ; 1200 SEK/h for assisted use
- Other academic institutions: 800 SEK/hr for self use ; 1250 SEK/h for assisted use
- Commercial users: 1260 SEK/hr for self use / 1960 SEK/h for assisted use
Book instrument in iLab

Image StreamX MKII imaging cytometer
The Image StreamX MKII imaging cytometer is equipped with four high-powered lasers with emissions at 405, 488, 561, and 642nm wavelengths, as well as 12 channels that enable the measurement of up to 8-9 colors simultaneously. By combining the high throughput capabilities of flow cytometry with cell imaging, image flow cytometry is a powerful tool that enables researchers not only to perform classical immunophenotyping studies, but also to investigate many cellular processes, such as cell trafficking, cell signaling, internalization & co-localization, cell-cell interactions and cell death & apoptosis. Very high sensitivity makes the instrument suitable for analysis of small particles such as extracellular vesicles (EVs).
- KI users: 770 SEK/hr for self use ; 1200 SEK/h for assisted use
- Other academic institutions: 800 SEK/hr for self use ; 1250 SEK/h for assisted use
- Commercial users: 1260 SEK/hr for self use / 1960 SEK/h for assisted use