Researchers in the field of biostatistics study the theory, tools, and applications of methods for the collection, analysis, presentation, and interpretation of biomedical data. We work closely with experts in various other academic fields in order to advance scientific knowledge.

Master's Programme in Biostatistics and Data Science
The Master's Programme in Biostatistics and Data Science offers a unique combination of biostatistics and data science. Students with backgrounds in mathematics, statistics, computer science, or related disciplines, are provided with the skills to solve problems in biology, medicine, and public health. The programme is offered jointly by Karolinska Institutet, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and Stockholm University.

Biostatistics as a research discipline
Research in biostatistics involves the development and application of statistical methods with the ultimate aim of better health for all.

Biostatistics at KI
Biostatistical researchers are working within different research areas at several departments at KI as well as collaborating to further knowledge within the field.
Calendar events for biostatistics
News in biostatistics
Professors in biostatistics at KI

Professor Arvid Sjölander
Professor Matteo Bottai
Matteo Bottai, Sc.D., is Professor and Head of the Unit of Biostatistics and the Director of the Biostatistics Core Facility at Karolinska Institutet

Professor Paul Dickman
Paul Dickman's biostatistical methods have a wide range of applications, including epidemiology, cancer, haematology, gynaecology, reproductive epidemiology and psychiatry.

Professor Keith Humphreys